Sunday, February 16th, 2025

1711 Route 34 South
Wall Township, New Jersey

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8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Abridged Report Executive Committee Meeting

Abridged Report with Attachments




May 20,2023

The meeting was called to order by President Ordway at 9:00am in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act. He stated that notice of this meeting was posted on the New Jersey State Firemen’s website as required pursuant to the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231, P.L. 1975). The fire exits were pointed out.

Vice President Hankins led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

A moment of silence was observed for our deceased members and their families.

Executive Committeeman gave the invocation.


Roll call was held. First Assistant Secretary Brian Martone announced that all members were present except.


The Abridged Minutes and Verbatim Minutes of the February 25, 2023, Executive Committee Meeting were approved as distributed on a motion by Executive Committeeman Handlin, seconded by Executive Committeeman Florio. Motion Carried.


Secretary Pelaia announced that there were no additional communications that needed to be read. A motion to accept Communications sent to the Executive Committee by Executive Committeeman Lane, seconded by Executive Committeeman Otterbein, Passed.





1) He requested that any Executive Committeeman who would like to have a workshop in their County to let him know.

2) The Financial Standing report presently does not have the amount paid out last year for some of the benefits paid’. He has asked Field Examiner Hollingsworth to include it in the future.

3) The 2023 Caucus location list is in the Executives packet and the Executive Committee work schedule for the Caucus. He said there will be 2 works stations at each Caucus for those members who have their cards, and 1 manual Workstation for alternates and those who do not have a card. The only exception will be Bergen County who will have 3 workstations for cards and 2 workstations for Alternates and those who do not have cards.

4) Regarding Health Care Applications, the Advisory Committee has agreed that an Applications becomes affected on the date it is received in our office which is the same way that Applications for Membership is handled.

Secretary Pelaia’s Report:

1) There are two resolutions in the packet that need to be voted on under

New Business for the State Treasurer to release the monies from the 999 account.

2) Election petitions for the Executive Committee and Managers are due June 1, 2023 in order to have their name printed on the ballot . Petitions are available online or here at the office.

3) We will be voting under applications doer a new company for the Hillsborough

Relief Association which will be Company #5.

4) Delegate cards are now being prepared and will be sent to the secretaries

along with the new and replacement Life Member cards prior to the office

closing for the summer break in July. Changes to delegates: Changes must

be in writing and sent to the State Office at least one week prior to the County Caucus. The changes for the Convention deadline is August 31. An email is acceptable.

5) The Red Books are at the printer finalizing the proof. once approved they will

Be mailed out to the local Association.

6) The compendium has been updated and will be put online next week.

First Assistant Secretary Martone’s report:

The request for names for this year’s Convention workers is in the packets. He asked that they be returned as soon as possible’ He will be mailing out the request for the names of the convention workers within the next week.

Second Assistant Secretary Dreby’s report:

1) He stated that he has contracted with the same vendor as last year to video the Memorial Service at the Convention.

2) He continues to work on the Bank Statement’s received and has been in touch with the Local Treasurers regarding the same.

Treasurer Mullen’s report:

1) The outside Auditors have just completed the 3rd Quarter Review and will be starting the year-end report shortly.

2) He is working with the IRS for Associations who did not file their 990’s electronically. Many of them received penalties even though they filed them by mail. President Ordway stated that any Local Association who receives a penalty from the IRS should contact the State Office IMMEDIATELY.

3) He is working with Local Associations who had their Tax-Exempt status revoked due to not filing 990’s electronically in the past 3 years.

4) He has been working on Direct Deposits for Payroll of employees and for Pension payments to retirees.

Field Examiner Hollingsworth’s report: In addition to her written report, her verbal remarks were as follows:

1)There are 2 reports in your packets. The first one is the financial standing Report for the year that is distributed in the Convention packets and the second is her quarterly report.

2) She thanked all the Executives for assisting with the Field Exams. Through their efforts everything went smoothly.

3) She is recommending that East Amwell be put “Under Review” due to not attending their Field Exam and not attending appointments to have it done at the office after several appointments have been made to do it. She reminded everyone that the totals of Special Relief, Supplemental Relief and Health care are in the packets. She also reminded all Executive Committee members that if they want to have a workshop to contact the State Office to schedule it. We have just completed 2 workshops and they were very informative, and she has also received some follow-up questions since. Also, she informed all that beginning this year we will be collecting the 2022 Relief Applications for those Associations that did not have a Field Exam this past year. Executive Committeeman Otterbein asked if a schedule for next year’s Field Exams will be sent out. She said that she is planning to get them out soon. Executive Committeeman Reeves inquired if this would help in the States yearly audit. President Ordway responded yes and First Assistant Secretary Martone said that once reviewed and returned to the local Associations that the Local Association will be able to correct any mistakes in the future.

Counsel Cavallo’s report: No report for the regular session.

President Ordway’s Report: The President had no written report. His verbal remarks

were as follows:

1) The State Office will be closed on May 29th for the Memorial Day holiday. The office will also be closed for our summer break beginning on

July 3 and will reopen on Monday July 10 for our summer break.

2) The next 4 Advisory Meeting dates are being put on the home page going forward on our website, so that Local Associations are aware of the date and can then prepare accordingly.

3) He reminded everyone that we moved July’s Executive Committee meeting to July 22.

4) He thanked all the execs for their assistance with the field exams. Everything went very smoothly and credited it to the number of Executives that assisted.

5) Local Reports that are due:

  1. a) Second Quarter Relief Reports- July 30. They must be submitted


  1. b) A copy of your IRS filing, or extension must be submitted to the office

by June 14.

  1. c) Preparing Reports should be done early to eliminate rushing at the last minute

6) The 2023 Convention will be on September 15 – 16. Registration on both days will begin at 7am and conclude at 11am. The Memorial Service will begin shortly after the Convention is called to order at 11am. Voting will take place on September 15 from 7am to 11am. A workshop is also being planned on Saturday Morning while voting is going on.

7) On May 1, $11,388,500 was wired to the Firemen’s Home and on May 15, $ 17,347,038.84 was wired to 535 Relief Associations. There were 14 Associations that had Fulton Bank as their bank of record. Fulton Bank of New Jersey was absorbed by their corporate structure in 2019. Their routing number was changed this year. The routing number used by their Associations was no longer good, but our bank caught it and made the change. 33

8) 33 Associations have received Subsidy funds this year. These

Associations are limited to 8% Administrative Expenses



ADVISORY/ SPECIAL / SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Mellert stated that the reports are in the packet.

COMPENDIUM COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Walker said there was no report. He stated that the Compendium will be placed on the website within the next week.

DELEGATE AND LIFE MEMBER COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Roemmich said there is a report in the packet. He stated that the Delegate and Life Member Convention allowance will be the same as last year (2022).

FINANCE COMMITTEE: Third Quarter review is delayed. 6 0f the 7 items. The final item needed to be reconciled and Treasurer Mullen said it should be done in a week.

FIREMEN’S HOME COMMITTEE: Chairman Otterbein submitted 2 reports which are in the packets. One is the minutes from the Managers Meeting and the other is a report of the joint committee meeting between our Association and the Firemen’s Home Managers

HEALTH CARE ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE: Chairman Reeves asked if the items regarding the effective date of an application received, and the other being that reimbursement requests must be submitted within 60 days of the recipient receiving a bill. He also

stated that this year’s reimbursements are ahead of last year’s reimbursements. Executive Committeeman Lenarski then brought the committee’s a situation with the reimbursement that was questioned by the recipient. He thanked the Health Care Assistance Committee for their assistance in this matter.

INVESTMENT COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Handlin stated that a report is in the packet. He has been working along with Treasurer Ordway and Treasurer Mullen regarding some current investments. There was discussion on investing in a one-year Treasury Bond and one was purchased that yielded 4.754%.

LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: First Assistant Secretary Martone his report was in the packets He also stated that the committee had their bi-annual meeting on May 16. He then mentioned that the 20 and out bill that the Governor conditionally vetoed is up for discussion in the Senate this coming week. He then mentioned that President Ordway, Vice President Hankins and himself attend a speech by Governor Murphy who said that he was putting 10 million dollars into the State Budget for the Safety Assistance grant. This grant is for Gear and equipment. Vice President Hankins then said that the Governor is going to place 100 million dollars to try and keep people out of Nursing Homes. Executive Committeeman Naylis inquired about the Cancer Screening Bill. Chairman Martone replied that he along with President Ordway and Vice President Hankins and other Officers have met with numerous Legislators regarding this bill. Our Lobbyist is hoping that the Legislatures will begin having meetings again once the Budget is passed,


PENSION COMMITTEE: Treasurer Mullen advised everyone that the committee that the committee will try and follow the lead in investing in Treasury Bills either by using Northfield Bank or through our broker.

RESOLUTION COMMITTEE: There were five resolutions submitted from local associations.

1)Resolution #1 is from the Clayton FRA seeking to have Life Members seeking to have

Life Members who have not served the required 84 months to be eligible for the Burial Benefit.

2)Resolution #2 is also from the Clayton FRA seeking a change to the existing statutes to reduce the minimum age to 16 (years of age. Be approved.

3)Resolution #3 from the Deptford FRA a change in Article VI Section 2 of the General Relief Fund Rules to add siblings to the list of individuals eligible to receive payment of a Burial Benefit.

4) Resolution #4 from the South Harrison FRA proposing a change to the Constitution and By-Laws to change the disciplinary process and penalties for failure to file required Reports.

5) Resolution #5 from the Woodstown FRA to proposing to the New Jersey State Firemen’s Association to seek an amendment to the existing s statutes to require written notification by the New Jersey State Firemen’s Association to any member removed from the membership rolls.

SALARY COMMITTEE: Salary Committee report is in the packet. A recommendation will be made under New Business.

FIRE SAFETY COMMISSION – Executive Committeeman Naylis who is a member of the Commission also reported that Governor Murphy just allotted $10 million for the cleaning and care of firefighters’ PPE. There will be a grant process to receive these funds. The new Fire Code has been released by the Governors Office. It will be published in the New Jersey Register shortly and should take effect at the beginning of next year.


  • The Hillsborough FRA # 528 has applied for a new Company which will be Company #4 for a Career Company. Secretary Pelaia reported that the application and supporting documents are all in order. A motion was made Executive Committeeman Kurdyla and seconded by Executive Committeeman Mellert to approve the new company, PASSED .
  • Executive Committeeman Mazzarella reported that he has been meeting with an Association that wants to form a new Company in Middlesex County. He is in the process of getting all the documents needed to become a new Company. President Ordway asked him to keep in touch with Secretary Pelaia on the progress.
  • Executive Committeeman Mellert said he is also working on a new Association and new Company in Frelinghuysen, Warren County. President Ordway also asked Executive Committeeman Mellert to follow this up with Secretary Pelaia.
  • Executive Committeeman Kelly mentioned that Spring Lake in Monmouth County is in the process of going from 2 Companies to one. He will follow this up with Secretary Pelaia.


  • President Ordway said that Executive Committeeman Roemmich distributed a report regarding an increase in the Executive Committees Caucus Allowance at the last meeting. It will be brought up under New Business.

2) Companies needing Oversight: Field Examiner Hollingsworth reported East Amwell.

should be placed under review due to not showing up for their Field Exams and cancelling or not showing up for their exams in the State Office. President Ordway said that East Amwell is scheduled to show up on Monday and if they do not come in that they will be placed out of accord. Executive Committeeman Kelly maid a motion seconded by Executive Committeeman Lane to place East Amwell under Review and if necessary, Out of Accord. PASSED

EXCUTIVE SESSION: at 10:00 AM a motion was made by Executive Committeeman Otterbein, seconded by Executive Committeeman Florio to go into Executive Session.


At 10:00 am a Motion was made by Executive Committeeman Otterbein and seconded by Executive Committeeman Florio to return to Regular Session. PASSED


1) A motion was made by Executive Committee Lane, seconded by Executive Committeeman Handlin to reappoint Jennie Hollingsworth to the position of Field Examiner for the 2023-2024 term. On a Roll Call Vote PASSED 21-0.

2) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Walker, seconded by Executive Committeeman Fazekas to reappoint Frank Cavallo as Counsel, and George Morris as Assistant Counsel for the 2023-2024 term. On a Roll Call Vote PASSED 21-0.

3) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Mellert and seconded by Executive Committeeman Reeves to adopt a resolution to requisition the Insurance funds from the State Treasurer that were received by the Department of Treasury. PASSED 21-0.

4) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Roemmich seconded by Executive Lane that the Executive Committee Caucus Allowance for 2023 be $50.00 per Association and $.60 per member. President Ordway then reminded the Executive Committee that this allowance is to be used for expenses to run their caucus. On a Roll Call Vote PASSED 21-0

5) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Roemmich, seconded by Executive Committeeman Lane to accept the salary proposed effective October 1, 2023.

On a Roll Call Vote Passed 21-0.

6) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Florio, seconded by Executive Committeeman Otterbein to accept the Delegate/Life Member allowance which is the same as last year’s Convention. On a Call Vote Passed 21-0.

7) President Ordway said that the Budget for 2023 - 2024 was distributed. A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Naylis, seconded by Executive Committeeman Figueroa to accept the budget as presented. Executive On a Roll Call Vote passed 21-0.

8) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Naylis, seconded by Executive Committeeman Otterbein to accept the Delegate/Life Member allowance . On a Roll Call Vote Passed 18-0.

7) Secretary Pelaia received a request from the Margate FRA #200 to remove 3 members from the rolls per Article XI Section 2 of the Constitution and By-Laws. I member (200—02-168) was qualified and a hearing was scheduled. The member did not show up, The Advisory Committee recommended that he be removed. A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Walker, seconded by Executive Committeeman Kurdyla to remove Member 200-02-168. The other 2 members were not qualified so the Local Association will remove them. ON A ROLL CALL VOTE PASSED 21-0

8) Secretary Pelaia received a request from the Harvey Cedars FRA #499 to remove a Qualified member (499-01-0033) per Article XI Section 2 of the Constitution and By-Laws. The member did not show up for the hearing, The Advisory Committee recommended that he be removed, A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Spiegel, seconded by Executive Committeeman Reeves to remove this member from the rolls. ON A ROLL CALL VOTE PASSED 21-0

9) Executive Committeeman Naylis made a motion, seconded by Executive Committeeman Handlin to accept the Field Examiners recommendation that

that a Health Care Application will be effective on the date the application is stamped in our office and is complete. If the Application is not complete the recipient will be contacted and will have 30 days to complete the Application. PASSED 21-0

10) We received a letter a letter from the son of a member from Wildwood City who was not qualified and passed away. The Advisory Board discussed this letter and it was also discussed at last May’s meeting. The son is requesting that the Executive Committee reconsider their decision. A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Handlin seconded by Executive Committeeman Lane to affirm the past action of denial.


11) Executive Committeeman Spiegel mad a motion seconded by seconded by Executive Committeeman Naylis reaffirming that the Health Care Program is in fact a just for health care and not beyond Health Care. PASSED 20-0

12) Executive Otterbein made a motion, seconded by Executive Committeeman Scheuer to place the West Amwell FRA # 444 to be placed under review for not attending the Hunterdon County Caucus and for failure to show up to complete the examination and also to be put Out of Accord should the examination not be completed by May 22, 2023.


PUBLIC COMMENT: Michael Cleary of the Jersey City FRA#167requested that the Local Relief Scale be increased. President Ordway said that we would take it under review and bring it up for discussion at a future meeting.


1) President Ordway congratulated First Assistant Secretary on his pending retirement

2)Executive Committeeman Spiegel handed out a parade letter for Wildwood. He mentioned for those interested they should contact Ed Beck. He also mentioned that the Fallen Firefighter event will be Friday night of the Convention from 7pm-10pm at the Seaport Pier.

ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Executive Committeeman Florio, seconded by Executive Committeeman Otterbein the meeting was adjourned at 11:20am.

Respectfully submitted,

Thomas J. Pelaia

Thomas J. Pelaia



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