Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

1711 Route 34 South
Wall Township, New Jersey

Phone (732) 798-8137
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8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Abridged Report Executive Committee Meeting

Abridged Report with Attachments


The meeting was called to order by President Ordway at 9:00am in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act. He stated that notice of this meeting was posted on the New Jersey State Firemen’s website as required pursuant to the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231, P.L. 1975). The fire exits were pointed out.

Vice President Hankins led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Executive Committeeman Mellert gave the invocation.


Roll call was held. First Assistant Secretary Brian Martone announced that all members were present except for Executive Committeemen Minell, who was excused. Also present were past President Frank Gunson, past Executive Committeeman Wayne Kepler, past

Executive Committeeman Neil Gallo, past Assistant Counsel Stacey Moore, and past Field Examiner James Kenny.


The Abridged Minutes and Verbatim Minutes of the July 16, 2022, Executive Committee Meeting were approved as distributed on a motion by Executive Committeeman Mazzarella, seconded by Executive Committeeman Scheuer. Motion carried.


Secretary Pelaia said there were no current Communications other than those

in your packet. Motion made by Executive Committeeman Lane, seconded by Executive Committeeman Florio, to accept correspondence distributed. Motion carried.

LIFE MEMBER REPORT: Secretary Pelaia said there is no Life Member report for this meeting.


Vice President Joseph Hankins’ Report : No written report.

Secretary Thomas Pelaia’s Report: His written report is in your packet. Attendance

sheets for the Delegates and Life Members will be online this week and sent to the

secretaries in about a week. There are Pink and Blue Vouchers in your packet if one of

your associations needs them.

First Assistant Secretary Brian Martone’s Report: No report, but he thanked all those who assisted

with the convention workers.

Second Assistant Secretary Richard Dreby’s Report: Everything is set for the Memorial

Service on Friday. The program for the Memorial Service is included as part of the complete

program for the convention.

Field Examiner Jennie Hollingsworth’s Report: Her report is in your packet. She thanked everybody for their assistance during her first year as Field Examiner. She advised the executives who have field exams in 2023 that the schedule will be distributed after the first of the year. She requested that when someone brings relief applications for examination, please do not give them back to the association, but rather give them to President Ordway or herself to bring to the office where they will be reviewed.

Treasurer Edward Mullen’s Report: He thanked everyone for their support. He stated that the independent auditors’ report will be read into the minutes at Saturday’s session of the convention.

Counsel Frank Cavallo’s Report: Nothing for Open Session.

Assistant Counsel George Morris’ Report: No report.

President Robert Ordway’s Report:

  • The State Office will be closed October 10, November 8, and November 11, 2022.
  • Reports:
  1. Third Quarter Relief Reports are due October 30. The report must be done online, and real line numbers are required. If the treasurer cannot list a surviving spouse because of a line number, they should contact the state office so that we can re­enter a line number and make sure of qualified status.
  2. There are three associations not being seated and they will not be eligible for

administrative expenses this year.

  1. All IRS 990’s have been filed or the association filed for an extension. We will follow up with these associations.
  2. Pink and Blue Convention vouchers are due by November 1.
  • Convention: Caucuses are President Ordway thanked all executives for their assistance and congratulated all on their re-election. There were five manager elections for Home Managers in the normal rotation, three were contested and all occurred without issue. There was also one contested election for an expired term.
  • President Ordway reminded everyone that registration on Friday is 7am - 10:15am and registration and voting will be Saturday from 7am – 12noon. Anyone who does not have a Delegate or Life Member card should be referred to the Manual Registration table.
  • Trams and trolleys will be working this weekend. Trams will run from 7am – 11pm; trolleys from 7am - 3pm and then again from 5pm - 11pm.

OLD BUSINESS: Executive Committeeman Scheuer stated he has been working with the Andover Relief Association regarding Special and Supplemental Relief Applications and at this time he sees no additional problems. He would like to have them removed from review. A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Scheuer, seconded by Executive Committeeman Lane. Passed.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: At 9:14am, a motion was made to go into Executive Session by Executive Committeeman Florio, seconded by Executive Committeeman Handlin.

Passed. At 9:55am, a motion was made by Executive Committeeman Naylis, seconded by Executive Committeeman Naylis to return to Regular Session. Passed.


ADVISORY/ SPECIAL/ SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Mellert stated that

the reports are in your packet.

COMPENDIUM COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Walker reported that there was a meeting regarding four items of discussion.

  1. Adding qualified time for members who are scheduled for Night Duty.
  2. Are per diem firefighters considered as career firefighters for qualification purposes?
  3. Should a criteria be set up to pro-rate relief in Health Care based on a one day or month to seven years of service?
  4. Should all records in the local association be kept in the state of New Jersey? It was recommended that further review is necessary, and it will be brought back up at the next meeting in November.


FINANCE COMMITTEE: The Quarterly Finance Committee report and fiscal year end reports are in your packets.

FIREMEN’S HOME COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Otterbein’s written report will be e-mailed to all executives.

President Ordway, Vice President Hankins, and Chairman Otterbein attended the August 13, 2022, Executive Board meeting at the Home.

1) Solicitor Ward announced his retirement effective October 2022.

2) Superintendent Veras reported on an evaluation of whether single-room accommodations will occur in the future. He stated that it is not being considered at this time.

3) The managers discussed the potential of eliminating the $850.00 per month fee.

4) Chairman Dutch and Superintendent Veras were asked if an actuarial study was conducted for the Community Nursing Home Project. Superintendent Veras said there was no such study.

LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: First Assistant Secretary Martone stated the report has been distributed. He mentioned the Legislature recess is over and that they are resuming their sessions. President Ordway mentioned that the governor now has a deadline to sign bills sitting on his desk. One is the Cancer Screening Bill. The bill is for career members who are not in the State Health Benefits program. He said once it is signed, we will jump in and ask why not the volunteers? So, we are waiting for this bill to see what he does with the deadline.

LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE: Chairman Speigel has no report but will be scheduling a meeting shortly.

PENSION COMMITTEE: Treasurer Mullen reported that the committee met before this meeting and conducted the normal course of business. The minutes of the committee meeting on July 16 were accepted and approved. He also distributed the audit report for the year ending December 31, 2021



FIRE SAFETY COMMISSION: No report. There is a Fire Commission Meeting scheduled for

later this morning.

HEALTH CARE ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Reeves said that his

report has been distributed. President Ordway reminded everyone that if they have any

recommendations regarding the present programs such as Health Care, Special Relief

etc. they should let him, or the committee chairs know.

INVESTMENT COMMITTEE: Treasurer Mullen and Investment Committee Chairman Handlin

introduced our investment advisors Jim Rice and Steve Acropolis. They were asked by the Investment

Committee to talk about our investment portfolio. They began their presentation by reviewing the

investment restrictions that we are bound to by State Statute. The statute states that we are restricted

and required to only invest in government securities or municipal bonds. They explained that losses are

the premiums that were necessary to purchase the bonds. They also discussed using a single

managed account, which would be more beneficial than a packaged products accounts where the fees

are more manageable, and we would have more control. This new procedure has been verified by our

auditors PKF O’Connor Davies. Executive Committee Chairman Handlin thanked them for their



  • A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Fazekas, seconded by Executive

Committeeman Florio that the President, Vice President, and Secretary attend the League of

Municipalities Conference in November. Executive Committeeman Lane stated to everyone that

it is an important conference for networking. On a Roll Call Vote, Passed 20-0.

  • A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Kurdyla, seconded by Executive

Committeeman Handlin, to grant qualifying status to a member who was permanently disabled in the line of duty. Since this situation is not currently in the Compendium, a motion was made by Executive Committeeman Kelly, seconded by Executive Committeeman Naylis, to table the motion. On a Roll Call Vote, Defeated 17- 3. The original motion was now voted on. On a Roll Call Vote, Passed 20-0.



  • President Ordway thanked all the committees for their hard work and also thanked everyone for their

discussion and input today. He reminded the executives who will be doing registration to keep

everyone moving so that there will be no lines.

  • Executive Committeeman Mellert reminded everyone of the birthday party on October 2 honoring a

90-year-old member.

  • Committeeman Scheuer passed on the thanks from the family member receiving Health Care in his

County. President Ordway commented that Jennie Hollingsworth, Brittany Allen and all of the office staff

have done a tremendous job with the Health Care Program. We thank the people from the field for their


  • Executive Committeeman Speigel reminded all that there will be an event tomorrow night at the Seaport Pier sponsored by the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. Tickets will be available at the door.

ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Executive Committeeman Florio, seconded by Executive

Committeeman Scheuer, the meeting was adjourned at 11:02am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Thomas J. Pelaia



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