Sunday, February 16th, 2025

1711 Route 34 South
Wall Township, New Jersey

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8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Abridged Report Executive Committee Meeting

Abridged Report with Attachments




The meeting was called to order by President Ordway at 9:00A.M in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act. He stated that notice of this meeting was posted on the New Jersey State Firemen’s website as required pursuant to the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231, P.L. 1975). The fire exits were pointed out.

Vice President Hankins led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Executive Committeeman Mellert gave the invocation.


Roll call was held. First Assistant Secretary Brian Martone announced that all members were present except for Executive Committeemen Florio and Naylis who were excused. Also present was Past President Frank Gunson. Former State Association 2ND Assistant Secretary H. Lee Baker, Past Executive Committeeman Wayne Kepler, Past Executive Committeeman Neil Gallo, Past Executive Committeeman Thomas Miller, William Hollingsworth, and James Bainbridge.


The Abridged Minutes and Verbatim Minutes of the July 17, 2021, Executive Committee Meeting were approved as distributed on a motion by Executive Committeeman Mellert seconded by Executive Committeeman Figueroa. Motion Carried.


Secretary Pelaia said there was no current Communications other than those in your packet. Motion made by Executive Committeeman Kelly, seconded by Executive Committeeman Scheuer. Motion Carried


Vice President Hankins report: In addition to his written report his verbal remarks were:

He thanked all the Executives who worked at the caucuses. He requested that all Executives submit the time, date, and Location of their 2022 Caucus.

Secretary’s Report: His written report is in your packet. He also mentioned that there

are Pink and Blue Vouchers in your packet if one of their Associations need one. He also informed the Executives that when the Convention Attendance is posted online it will show that the attendee attended one session. The second session will be posted internally approximately a week to 10 days after the Convention and will be available online.

First Assistant Secretary Report: No Report

Second Assistant Secretary Report: Our Electronic Library of Statutes and Rules will be up and running approximately October 1 for our office staff. He also stated that the Virtual Memorial Service was videotaped on September 2, 2021. He expects to have the video tape in a couple of days and once the tape is reviewed and final edits are made, it will be posted to the website (approximately October 1)

Treasurer Report: He thanked everyone for their support. He is currently working with the Auditors for the 7/1/2020-6/30/2021 Annual Financial Report.

Field Examiner Report: His report is in your packet. He mentioned that we started the Field Exams in Cape May last evening. All went well. He needs additional examiners for the remainder of the Examinations this fall. Any Executive that is available to assist in these Exams should notify Field Examiner Kenny by E-Mail. He also reminded everyone that beginning in 2022, all 990 filings must be filed electronically. Paper filings will not be acceptable. He recommended that Associations who need to, should check with an accountant. There is a list of websites for assistance regarding filing your return on the IRS website. He also reminded everyone that if they receive any correspondence from the IRS, they should contact the State Office immediately. President Ordway then mentioned that if you need to have a professional file your return, the cost is part of your Administrative Expenses.

Counsel: Counsel Cavallo reported Nothing for Open Session

President’s Report: President Ordway reported the following:

1) The State Office will be closed October 11, November 2 and November 11.

2) REPORTS a) Third Quarter Relief Reports are due October 30. The Report must be done online, and real line numbers are required. If the Treasurer cannot list a surviving spouse because of a line number, they should contact the State Office so that we can re- enter a line number and make sure of Qualified Status. b) There are 3 Associations not being seated this year and they will not be eligible for Administrative Expenses this year. c) All IRS 990’s have been filed. 9 Associations filed for an extension. We will follow up with these Associations. D) Pink and Blue Convention vouchers are due by November 1.

3) A report of the year-to-date comparisons are in your packets and will be in the minutes of this meeting.

4) With James Kenny’s decision to retire, A search/Interview Committee has been appointed, The Committee consists of Executive Committeeman Kurdyla as the Chairman. Executive Committeeman Lane, Committeeman Otterbein, Vice President Hankins, and Secretary Pelaia as members. Non-voting members of the Committee will be President Ordway and Field Examiner Kenny. Chairman Kurdyla will have a report during Committee Reports.

5) Parking passes that were distributed are to be used by the recipient and no one else.

6)Caucuses are completed. President Ordway thanked all Executives for their assistance and congratulated all on their re-election.

7 ) President Ordway then reviewed the procedures for the walk-through voting session. He also reminded everyone that Delegates will receive 2 session credits towards Life Membership.

8) If any workers that the Executives chose to work at the Convention have questions, they should be referred to Vice President Hankins or First Assistant Secretary Martone.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: a) at 9:17am a motion was made to go into Executive Session by Executive Committeeman Otterbein, seconded by Executive Committeeman Lane. Passed.

  1. b) at 9:35am a motion by Executive Committeeman Kurdyla, seconded by Executive Committeeman Roemmich to return to Regular Session, Passed


ADVISORY/ SPECIAL / SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Mellert stated that the reports are in your packet.

COMPENDIUM COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Lane reported that copies of his report are in your packet. He also said the Committee met on August 26 and there were 5 items on the agenda. The first item that was discussed was if Convention Workers who are not life members get credit towards their Life Membership. The second item for discussion was if we needed qualifications (CPA for example) for our Treasurer. Also, should it be changed that the position be appointed by the Executive Committee rather than an elected position. The Committee feels that the position be appointed by the Executive Committee and the position should be “CPA Preferred”. There will be a Statute change necessary for this item, The next item discussed is should the Active Membership Report (Green Sheets) and the Financial Standing Report be submitted online only beginning 1/1/2023 for the 2022 reports. These items will be voted on under New Business. The committee decided to take no action on the President Emeritus status and Fort Lee’s request to expand additional items that can be paid by the local Relief Association.


FINANCE COMMITTEE: The Quarterly Finance Committee report and fiscal Year end reports are in your packets.

FIREMEN’S HOME COMMITTEE: Written Report was distributed. Chairman Otterbein stated that the Firemen’s Home Annual Golf Outing will be held on May 10, 2022, and he would like to have a foursome. He also said that at the Executive Board meeting of the Managers held on August 14, it was mentioned that the Home’s Attorney and Our Attorney have been discussing the Statute regarding the appointment of a manager to fill a vacancy. Counsel Cavallo responded that there never was any discussion or meetings regarding this or anything with the Home.

HEALTH CARE ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE: Written report has been distributed.


LEGISLATIVE: First Assistant Secretary Martone stated the report has been distributed. He mentioned that he and Vice President Hankins met with the Bay Head Fire Chief and Assemblyman Catalano regarding a member who died of Covid 19 and was denied line of duty benefits, The Assemblyman is preparing legislation. Once the legislation is drafted and has a Bill Number, he will forward it to the Executive and Legislative Committee’s to support the Bill.

Long Range Planning Committee: No Report.

PENSION COMMITTEE: Treasurer Mullen reported that committee met before this meeting and conducted the normal course of business

RESOLUTION COMMITTEE: There are 4 resolutions that will be voted on at the Convention.



SEARCH INTERVIEW COMMITTEE: 5 resumes were received. One applicant rescinded his resume and dropped out. Interviews are set for Monday September 20, 2020.



President Ordway reminded everyone that if they have any recommendations regarding the present programs such as Health Care, Special Relief etc. they should let him, or the Committee Chairs know.


1) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Kurdyla, Seconded by Executive Committeeman Handlin that the President, Vice President and Secretary attend the League of Municipalities Conference in November. Executive Committee Lane addressed everyone that it is an important Conference for networking. On a Roll Call Vote

Passed 19-0

2) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Mellert and seconded by Executive Committeeman Phillips to issue credit to Convention Workers who are not Life Members towards Life Membership. Executive Committeeman Handlin asked if this also pertains to Legislative Committee. Chairman Lane said it wasn’t, but he would bring it up at the next meeting. It was then discussed if the current workers would get credit for past years that they worked. The decision was yes. On a Roll Call Vote Passed 19-0.

3) There was a discussion about moving the Treasurer from an elected position to an appointed position by the Executive Committee. A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Handlin, seconded by Executive Committeeman Walker to begin the process of having the Statute changed to have the Executive Committee appoint the Treasurer rather than being elected. Passed 19-0

4) There was a discussion about the Active Membership Reports and the Annual Financial Standing Reports being submitted online only, beginning with the 2022 reports that will be due in 2023. The current years reports will still be allowed to be submitted manually. On a motion by Executive Committeeman Speigel, seconded by Executive Committeeman Reeves. Passed 18-1

5) Executive Committeeman Kurdyla thanked the Office Staff for their Diligent work in assisting the Executives and Association Officers with issues they may need help with.



1)President Ordway reviewed the times for the Convention Voting on Friday September 17.

2) Executive Committeeman Lenarski inquired if President Ordway talked to Banking and Insurance regarding Princeton Relief Association’s Insurance Payments. President Ordway responded that the people he spoke with, couldn’t track the payments but they may give him someone else in the State to check with and he will be contacting them.

3) Executive Committeeman Lenarski asked if there was a way to include School employees in the statute for leave for convention. President Ordway said he would discuss this with Counsel. It would involve a Statute change.

4) Executive Committeeman Lane informed everyone that the Diocese of Paterson will be having a Red Mass honoring Firefighters killed in the Line of Duty on October 19, at 6:00pm at St. Johns’ Cathedral in Paterson. All are invited.

ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Executive Committeeman Otterbein, seconded by Executive Committeeman Kurdyla the meeting was adjourned at 10:20am.

Respectfully submitted,

Thomas J. Pelaia



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