Sunday, January 26th, 2025

1711 Route 34 South
Wall Township, New Jersey

Phone (732) 798-8137
Toll Free 1-800-852-0137
Fax (732) 938-2580

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Abridged Report Executive Committee Meeting

Abridged Report with Attachments




NOVEMBER 23, 2024

The meeting was called to order by President Ordway at 9am in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act. He stated that notice of this meeting was posted on the New Jersey State Firemen’s Association website as required, pursuant to the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231, P.L. 1975). The fire exits were pointed out.

Vice President Hankins led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

A moment of silence was observed for our past members President Ordway asked everyone to remember Charlie Wright, past Chairman of the Credential Committee who recently passed away. Second Assistant Secretary Dreby then gave the invocation.


Counsel Cavallo swore in the Officers and Executive Committee for their current term.


First Assistant Secretary Martone reported that all members were present except for Executive Committeeman Mecsey who was excused. President Ordway then introduced William Smith, the new Executive Committeeman from Middlesex County.


The Abridged Minutes and Verbatim Minutes of the September 12, 2024, Executive Committee meeting were approved as distributed on a motion by Executive Committeeman Roemmich, seconded by Executive Committeeman Scheuer. Motion Carried 20-0.


Per Secretary Pelaia, there were no additional communications.


Secretary Pelaia reported that 270 members achieved Life Membership this year. A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Scheuer, seconded by Executive Committeeman Otterbein, to grant Life Membership to all members who attained it at this year’s convention. Motion Carried 20-0. A list of those members is in the packet and attached to these minutes.


Vice President Hankins:He asked all executives who have not submitted the date and place of their 2025 caucus to submit them to him ASAP. President Ordway reminded the executives that locations and workshops must be held in a facility that is ADA compliant.

Secretary Pelaia:He had no written report but reported the following:

1) There will be two resolutions to be voted on under New Business regarding the 2025 Convention. Both are the standard resolutions approved each year to have the associations elect delegates and an exempt delegate to the convention.

2) Certificates and pins for the 270 Life Members approved this morning will be sent to the association secretaries next week.

3) The Active Membership Reports and the Financial Standing Reports must be completed and finalized online, printed out, signed and either mailed, emailed, or faxed to us by the due date. Instructions for these reports are on our website under the Forms Tab.

4) Officer Listings (due February 1) and Report of Delegates and Alternates elected (due May 1) will also be done online, as they were last year.

5) Anyone needing help with reports or other matters should feel free to contact us here in the office.

Second Assistant Secretary Dreby: The 2024 Memorial Service video has been reviewed and accepted. The video company will be putting it online shortly on the website’s home page under the Annual Memorial Services tab.

First Assistant Secretary Martone:He stated that he his report is in everyone’s packet. He also said that Vice President Hankins submitted an article to Fire News, Newspaper. It was on page six. He said that he sent an e-mail to everyone informing all of the article.

Treasurer Mullen:

  • The Audit is being finalized. President Ordway has given them notice that he would expect it to be complete by Thanksgiving.
  • He also reported that the Direct Deposit for payroll has begun and there have been no complaints.
  • He also mentioned that there are 3 Caucus Expense Reports that have not been submitted. He requested that those Committeemen forward to him as soon as possible. .

Field Examiner Hollingsworth:She reported that she is only missing (one) date for a Field Examination this year. She is waiting for that county to notify her of the date. There is a list of the Field Exam dates, and which Executives have notified her that they will be participating. She stated that she still needs more Executives to participate.

In the packets she has a list of Associations that are under review. She asked the Executives who have an Association under review, to Continue review them so that we can make sure that they are moving in the right Direction.

Counsel Cavallo:No report.

Assistant Counsel Morris: No report.

President Ordway:

1) The State Office will be closed November 28 & 29in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. The State Office will be closed starting Tuesday, December 24for the winter break and will reopen Thursday, January 2. We will also be closed on Monday January 20and Monday, February 17. For various Holidays

2) Applications for Special Relief & Supplemental Relief need to be received in the NJSFA State Office by Friday, December 2 for them to be processed for this calendar year. He reminded everyone that Local Relief granted for 2024 must be paid by December 31.

3).Reports due:

  1. a) Fourth Quarter Relief Paid Report is available online and must be submitted/finalized by January 30. Once the 4th Quarter Relief Report is finalized, you will be able to import relief for the year 2024 to your Financial Standing Report.
  2. b) Officer Listings must be completed and finalized online and submitted no later than February 1, 2025. The Officer Listing report will be open on the website starting Monday , December 2, 2024. REMEMBER: If you have a new Secretary and/or Treasurer, Once the Officer Listing is processed the old officers will no longer have computer access to the system. The new Officers automatically switch over as far as password Accessibility.
  3. c) The Financial Standing Report must be done online, printed out, needed signatures affixed, along with support documents and submitted to the State Office by February 20, 2025. It can be mailed, faxed, or emailed to Remember, if mailed, get a tracking number. If they are mailed you do not have to send a hard copy. Your report must be balanced and finalized which then deletes the word Draft. Also, this year there are two new things with the report. This year, you will see that last year’s banks are already transferred over with the names of the banks and the last 4 digits of the Account number, not the balance and not the interest. The reason for this transfer is 1) so the Treasurer does not have to enter the bank’s name. 2) to remind them to look at all the banks from last year. 3) if they closed the account it may alert the treasurer that there may be interest paid on that account.
  4. d) The Convention Delegates selection report must be done online. It is submitted to us when you finalize it. Once again this year, the Relief and Exempt Delegates and Alternates will be on one entry screen. If our records show that you have an Exempt Association, it will appear on the entry screen. If you do not have an Exempt Association, the Exempt Delegate will not show on the screen. You cannot put one individual in multiple spots. The entry screen will open on the website on December 2. 2024, and the report will be due by May 1, 2025.REMEMBER, THE CHIEF THAT YOU SUBMIT TO US ON THE OFFICER LISTING IS THE CHIEF DELEGATE FOR THE CONVENTION
  5. e) The Active Membership Report will open online on December 23. This will be so that we can get new applicants into the system, before formatting the report. Once the report is formatted by our office, we cannot add anyone to the report or move anyone to a different association. After finalizing the reports it must be printed out and signatures affixed and sent in no later than February 28. It can be mailed, faxed or emailed to Remember, if mailed, get a tracking number. REMINDER: After we receive the Active Membership Reports, we will be running a report on who is not qualified and has had zero(0) percent qualifying time for the last five consecutive years. Local association officers will be notified that those individuals will be removed from the roster and will no longer be eligible for benefits. They will have a chance to explain why someone should be kept on, i.e., military leave.
  6. f) Any local officer who has an issue entering data on any reports should notify our office immediately. Sometimes errors are made in the programing. and if that is the case, other Associations will probably have the same issue. If we are notified early enough, we can have the problem fixed.
  7. g) The 2025 Convention will again be a two-day convention and will be held on September 12-13,2025
  8. h) President Ordway stated that at the Convention somebody mentioned that we have not done anything with raising the burial Benefit in some time. President Ordway went to two Funeral Homes and asked if he could have the bottom-line cost of last 20-25 funerals. He stated that he received the total costs and 30 out of the 45 were below $12,000.00 and the other 15 were below $12,000.00. The average was $9400.00
  9. i) Although early, President Ordway did a report which he has done for the past 17 years. He said he changed it around this year and added Burial Benefit. He stated that in 2023, Total Relief was 6 million nine thousand dollars, the Burial Benefit was 10 million 400 thousand dollars and Health Care was thirteen million seven hundred thousand dollars. In 2023 the State Association paid over 30 million dollars. Come February when the gets the financial reports, He will finish the report for 2024



Executive Committeeman Walker reported that his report is in the packets. He also reported that we will be voting on 2 members to be removed from the Association for actions of Moral Turpitude. Executive Committeeman Lenarski thanked the Advisory Committee for their assistance with a claim for a member of Prospect Heights Relief Association. President Ordway stated that Burial Claims will be highlighted at our Workshops

COMPENDIUM COMMITTEE:Nothing to report Executive Committeeman Roemmich reported that he will be having a meeting after the first of the year.


FINANCE COMMITTEE:The Finance Committee report has been submitted and is attached to the minutes. President Ordway stated that the final report for last year will be received sometime next week. He says we are working with the Auditors to get back on schedule.

HEALTH CARE ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE:The report has been submitted and included in the packets.

FIREMEN’S HOME COMMITTEE: Chairman Otterbein reported that his report is in the packets. He had a verbal report also. The Firemen’s Home Budget for was approved with a 5.09 percent increase. President Ordway asked the managers to use some of the surplus for the budget, but the managers decided not to use surplus or reserve in the budget, Fire Insurance requirement for the home increased 8.76 percent. The cost was nine hundred ninety-seven thousand, five hundred dollars. The home also had an Actuary Study. The study said that Home would need 142 beds over the next 15 years, Charman Otterbein also asked how many applicants have less than 7 years that are on the current wait list currently. He has not received an answer. The Home Building Addition Committee received approval to conduct an informational gathering project to study an addition with single room occupancy since the Single Bed concept was not included in the Actuary Study. Chairman Otterbein also asked the Home Application Committee if they inform those who are on the waiting about our Health Care Program and the Committee Chairman said he believes they do. Executive Committee Kelly then stated that he is very concerned about the addition and the cost that will affect both Organizations. He feels if we are put in a position, where if the Home requests doubling at some point down the road, he suggests that the Home leads the attack in Trenton to double the amount of the two percent of the money that we get. He also is concerned that when a member of our Executive Committee, who is responsible for providing the funds, makes a request for some information, the Home’s Attorney tells him to file an OPRA request. He feels this is a little condensing. Executive Committeewoman then asked if they are still talking about adding a second home in South Jersey. President Ordway responded that they have not discussed at any meeting that he has attended.

HEALTH CARE COMMITTEE: Chairman Reeves reported that his report is in the packets. He also stated that in 2023 we spent 13.7 million dollars and in 2024 we spent roughly 15.6 million dollars to date. He stated that we currently have 393 active claims.

INVESTMENT COMMITTEE:Chairman Handlin said that what was discussed at the September meeting has been completed. We sold three of our Mutual Funds and invested those funds in Bonds and laddered our structure. The Bonds have a due date from 11/15/2026 through 11/15/32. The Interest and Dividends from these bonds will be placed in a Money Market.

LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: Chairman Martone said that his report is in the packet. He also reported that he attended the State League of Municipalities Convention. He attended several fire related sessions along with a bunch of Legislative Updates. He thanked everyone for allowing him to go. It was a great opportunity to be there.

LONG RANGE PLANNING AND PROGRAMS REVIEW COMMITTEE:Chairman Lane stated that his report is in the packets. There will be another meeting in December. He stated that one of the items to be discussed is that we will be breaking down all the different programs that we have, one at a time so that we can outline them and then do a study with those different programs including Burial Benefit. President Ordway then mentioned that the Burial Benefit was once again brought up at the Convention, so he performed an analysis by asking 2 funeral homes if they would give him the cost of the last 20 funerals. Hs stated that was all he wanted. He did not ask what services were given. He told the Executives that if they were to get the same information that he asked for he would add it to his analysis.

PENSION COMMITTEE:Treasurer Mullen stated that the annual budgeted amount to go into the Pension Fund will be done by December. He stated that the amount will be ½ million dollars.



FIRE SAFETY COMMISSION: Chairman Naylis stated that the Commission met this past week. He will submit the State Marshall report to the office to be distributed to all Executives. He also said that the Commission discussed a number of significant highlights: a) the Commission voted and past a Resolution to oppose Assembly Bill 4972 which was to change the State Construction Code to allow single exits in buildings up to 6 stories, b) They passed a Resolution to the bill to support the Volunteer Cancer screening Bill which is currently in front of the State Legislature) (c)They passed a Resolution supporting Bill HR 1797 which is a Federal Bill to direct the Consumer Products Safety Commission to set safety standards on lithium ion batteries.

APPLICATIONS: We are awaiting information on a New Association. Frelinghuysen. Executive Committeeman Mecsey is working on it.

OLD BUSINESS: 1) President Ordway stated that He and Executive Committeeman Smith met with Helmetta. They were supposed to get back to Executive Committeeman Smith with some information. They have not given him the information so far. President Ordway hopes to give them back their books in February.

OLD BUSINESS (2) The Field Examiner stated that in the folders is a list of Associations that need to be under Review. Executive’s need to go to these Associations and inform them of what is needed on their Relief Applications. If the Association doesn’t comply with what is said, their books will be removed from the Association.

3) Executive Committeeman Handlin then mentioned that he had the first Trustee Workshop, and it went very well. It was well attended and the message and point got through to the members. President Ordway then mentioned that a second Trustee workshop is scheduled on December 5 in Bergen County. .

4) President Ordway asked if there was any Association That needs to come off Review. Executive Committeeman Lane asked that Passaic FRA274 be removed from Review. A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Lane, Seconded by Executive Committeeman Kelly PASSED 20-0

(5) Executive Committeeman Handlin spoke about a letter he received a from Gloucester County Fire Chief’s Association that asked how the Executives could vote against the resolution when it was passed at the 2023 Convention (this was regarding Siblings). He stated that this came back this year as a Resolution again regarding the Siblings and the Resolution Committee recommended a no vote. He was disappointed that there was no explanation regarding the No Vote given to the Convention Attendees. Much discussion ensued on this issue. The main topic was that the Burial Benefit is not an Insurance Policy but a benefit. In this situation the Funeral Bill was paid to the Funeral Home. It was also questioned that did the family file for the P.S.O.B benefit from the Federal Government.

6) Executive Committeewoman Badger brought up that one of her Associations had a meeting and members brought their spouses, significant others, and children. The members asked if this was allowable, and the answer is yes. Counsel Morris was asked if this is a public meeting, and he responded yes, and the public can attend it since it is a Public Meeting. President added that when Relief is discussed you should go into Executive Session or ask the visitors to leave the room.

7) Executive Committeewoman brought up the issue with Field Examiner Hollingsworth not receiving a stipend when she attends meetings. There was discussion on this topic and President Ordway stated that if she is attending a local meeting and it involves her duties she would be compensated.

8) There was discussion regarding Asbury Park and their failure to correct the issues that brought them into review. A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Walker to put Asbury Park FRA010, Out of Accord. On a Roll Call Vote PASSED 19-1



1) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Naylis, seconded by Executive Committeeman Speigel, to have the Secretary cast one ballot for the election of Executive Committeeman John Lane as Chairman of the Executive Committee and Executive Committeeman Robert Kelly as Secretary ON A ROLL CALL VOTE, Passed 17-0.

2) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Speigel, seconded by Executive Committeeman Otterbein, to accept Resolutions 1 and 2, which call for associations to elect delegates and alternates to the 2024 convention and Exempt Associations to elect a delegate and alternate, to the 2025 convention.Passed 17-0.

3) Motion was made by Executive Committeeman Reeves, seconded by Executive Committeeman Walker to remove two qualified members from their associations for Moral Turpitude Passed 20-0.

4) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Fazekas seconded by Executive Committeeman to approve the 270 Life Members from the 2024 Convention Passed 20-0

5) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Speigel seconded by Executive Committeeman Walker to approve the renewal of the 5-year lease on the Postage Machine. On a Roll Call Vote 20-0

6) Executive Committeeman Lane thanked the Executives for their support of him for Chairman of the Executive Committee

7) Executive Committeeman Naylis reported that the Fire Safety Commission will meet here in our office in January.

8) Executive Committeeman Naylis stated that he will be referring to the Compendium Committee for review, to have Volunteers receive credit for members who serve shifts or duty nights.

9) Executive Committeeman Handlin brought up an e-mail he received from Lewis Eggert requesting the removal of the Ocean County Manager and our officers regarding trustees. President Ordway stated that this is an ongoing issue with Tuckerton.

10) Executive Committeeman Speigel mentioned that former Committeeman Mellert has done research on all our past Executive Committee members. He asked if the list of past members of the Executive Committee can be placed on our website. President Ordway responded that it can and will be done. Committeeman Speigel then asked if we have an employee who assists in processing the Health Care applications. President Ordway said yes, and she also handles the Relief applications that the office receives.

11) Executive Committeeman Handlin suggested that we have the Compendium Committee review the salaries paid through the administrative expenses for local officers. He suggested that they consider a possible laddering of the salaries based on the local’s administrative expenses. Compendium Chairman Roemmich responded that it will be addressed by the Compendium Committee at their next meeting.


President Ordway opened the meeting to public comment and asked First Assistant Secretary Martone to read the following: The New Jersey State Firemen’s Association welcomes comments from the members of the audience. He further stated that the secretary will note all comments and because of this, he asked anyone speaking to state their name and address before speaking and to keep their comments to a three-minute time limit. Concerns stated or actions requested by the public will be taken under advisement by the Executive Committee for investigation, discussion, and possible action or disposition at a later date.

  • Daniel Smith , Chatham Borough spoke about raising the Burial Benefit and requested that the Executive Committee consider increasing the Burial Benefit by 2% each year. .
  • Glenn Corbert. Waldwick, He also spoke on Burial Benefit. He supports the speaker regarding the increase in the Burial Benefit He said that he submitted the Resolution this passed year and will resubmit again next year

With no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50am.

Respectfully submitted,

Thomas J. Pelaia, Secretary


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All rights Reserved