Sunday, January 26th, 2025

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Wall Township, New Jersey

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8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Abridged Report Executive Committee Meeting

Abridged Report with Attachments




July 20, 2024

The meeting was called to order by President Ordway at 9:00am in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act. He stated that notice of this meeting was posted on the New Jersey State Firemen’s website as required pursuant to the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231, P.L. 1975). The fire exits were pointed out.

Vice President Hankins led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

A moment of silence was observed for Tom Miller, Past Executive from Union County, and Diane Dreby, wife of Second Assistant Secretary Dreby and their families.

Second Assistant Secretary Dreby gave the invocation.


First Assistant Secretary Brian Martone announced that all members were present except for Executive Committeeman Scheuer, who was excused.


  • The Abridged Minutes and Verbatim Minutes of the February 24, 2024 Executive Committee Meeting and the May 4, 2024 meeting were approved as distributed on a motion by Executive Committeeman Handlin, seconded by Executive Committeeman Fazekas. Executive Committeewoman Badger then said that she asked at the May meeting if the Field Examiner/whomever gets a stipend when they go out at night. She stated that President Ordway said no but the minutes say yes. President Ordway stated that for Field Exams and Caucuses when she attends, but not when she goes to a private meeting that we don’t know about. Committeewoman Badger said that she had made a motion that they at least get reimbursed for gas and tolls. President Ordway stated that it will be rectified at this meeting. Mr. Speigel mentioned that Cape May was under review and that was a mistake in the minutes. On a vote for the motion,


Secretary Pelaia announced that there were no additional communications that needed to be read. A motion to accept communications sent to the Executive Committee was made by Executive Committeeman Speigel, seconded by Executive Committeeman Phillips, PASSED.





1) The Caucus information has been updated. There has been a change of venue for Camden County.

2) The BlueClaws have once again been very generous to us. They have offered us free tickets for certain games. He told the executives that if they want tickets to contact him.

3) There is a parking pass in the executive folders for Thursday’s meeting in Wildwood. Passes for Friday and Saturday will be distributed at Thursday’s meeting.

SECRETARY PELAIA: He stated that there is an in-depth report in your packets. Also:

  • Petitions for the Executive Committee and Board of Managers have been received from every county. There were two petitions that were received for

Salem County Executive Committeeperson. A drawing for a ballot position was held. There were four petitions received for the Board of Managers. Three were submitted properly. The other petition was not accepted due to errors in it. That member will need to be nominated from the floor at the Caucus. Since there was no petition for Salem County Manager, they will need to have nominations from the floor as well.

2) The deadline for changes to Delegates and Alternates is August 31, 2024.

3) On June 15, Convention credentials were mailed to all secretaries. If anyone has any questions about the credentials, please feel free to contact him ASAP.

4) All executives who want their report to be included in the packets given out at the Convention are asked to get them to the Secretary as soon as possible.

5) The Red Books are at the printer, being finalized. Once approved, they will be

mailed out to the local associations.

FIRST ASSISTANT SECRETARY MARTONE: He has a written report in the packets. He sent a draft copy of some of the History of the Association to the executives. This was started by former Executive Mellert and former First Assistant Secretary Genovay.


1) The Memorial Service at the Convention is pretty much set up. The Honor Guard and the Pipe Band, along with the singers, have been contacted and they have

acknowledged that they will participate.

2) He continues to work on the bank statements and has been in touch with the

Local Treasurers regarding the same.


1) His report has been distributed. He has two items which he wants to mention. On June 1, we had to upgrade QuickBooks from Intuit to a cloud based system. This will enable us, among other things, to have Direct Deposit built in.

2) Executive Committeeman Kurdyla inquired about Branchburg. They lost their tax-exempt status. Treasurer Mullen stated that he is working with the IRS to rectify the situation.

FIELD EXAMINER HOLLINGSWORTH: In addition to her written report, her verbal remarks were as follows:

1) Some of the executives have been inundated with reports that she has been sending. She said it was much easier to send them to all the executives since they would eventually receive them. Anyone having any questions regarding the reports should see her.

2) We will be collecting 2023 Relief Applications at all caucuses except Salem.

3) Regarding Health Care apps, she received four applications after the cut-off date. She has advised the proper associations of this.


COUNSEL MORRIS: Counsel mentioned that there has been an amendment to the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) which goes into effect on September 3. The decision by the Supreme Court that we do not have to release Relief Applications is now codified in the law.

PRESIDENT ORDWAY: The President had no written report. His verbal remarks

were as follows:

  • The State Office will be closed on September 2 for the Labor Day holiday. The office will also be closing early on Wednesday September 11 and completely on September 12 and 13 for the Convention.
  • He reminded everyone that the Camden County Caucus has been
  • Applications for Special and Supplemental Relief are due by December 1 to be processed for 2024.
  • Second Quarterly reports are due in the office by July 30.
  • All Delegate reports have been received. All changes must be submitted in writing.
  • Delegate and life member payment vouchers (pinks and blues) must be received in our office by November 1. Do not submit the white page affidavit document.
  • Changes have been made to the Annual Financial Report. The system now calculates the estimated maximum limit for local expenses. The system will transfer the names and last four digits of every bank account from the previous year’s report. This will assist the treasurer when it is filled out.
  • Removal of non-qualified members for lack of service has been completed for this year. There are approximately 280 members that may be removed from the rolls compared to 1500 last year.
  • Caucus locations must be ADA Compliant.
  • The 2024 Convention will be held September 13-14. A sample ballot is in the packets and will be distributed with caucus packets.


ADVISORY/SPECIAL/SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Walker stated that the reports are in the packet. There is a report on a member who was charged with Moral Turpitude and did not appear for his hearing. We will have a vote on our recommendation under new business.

COMPENDIUM COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Roemmich said there was no report.

DELEGATE AND LIFE MEMBER COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Florio report is already submitted for this coming convention but asked the executives to talk with the members they represent and inquire what expenses are incurred for discussion for year’s convention.

FINANCE COMMITTEE: The Finance Committee will be meeting on Monday August 5.

FIREMEN’S HOME COMMITTEE: Chairman Otterbein submitted a report which is in the packets. Home is currently undergoing an actuarial study. They have also formed a Building Addition committee. There continues to be discussion on the addition requirements to the home. Also, Should the admission require 84 months of service to be eligible for entering the home.

HEALTH CARE ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE: Chairman Reeves stated his report is in the packets. There are currently 433 applicants at this. time Vice President Hankins stated that most of the executives received an e-mail from a specific vendor regarding Health Care. He noted that it is not in the Association’s best interest to have any one person speak at your Caucus. We have received many requests to put vendor information out and we do not do that. Vice President Hankins stated that if this vendor reaches out to you, do not permit them to speak at your Caucus.

INVESTMENT COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Handlin stated that the committee will be getting together before the November meeting. They are getting reports together to present at the meeting,


LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: First Assistant Secretary Martone reported that the Legislative Committee members were informed that they must provide a report at their Caucus. They all have been issued a generic report that they can tweak or change.

PENSION COMMITTEE: Treasurer Mullen said that they met this morning and a couple of items were discussed. There is retirement coming up on October 1. NPPG (Northeast Professional Planning Group) is going to update our Pension Plan document. This is required by the IRS every six years.

RESOLUTION COMMITTEE: Assistant Counsel Morris reported that the committee met on June 27. They entertained 15 resolutions. Three were standard resolutions that we vote on each year. Twelve were submitted by the membership. Of the 12 resolutions submitted, only one will appear on the ballot. This is in regard to adding siblings to the burial claim. The Resolutions Committee recommended a no vote on this. Executive Committeeman Walker asked if we will be speaking on this resolution at our Convention. Counsel Morris said yes.


SPECIAL COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Lane reported that the mission of this committee is to review programs that involve monetary distributions to our members. He stated that it has become apparent that the current programs such as Health Care and Special Relief have grown substantially during recent years, thereby requiring reevaluation of our current offerings.

FIRE COMMISSION: Executive Committeeman Naylis that the physical training for recruits in training Academies came up.(???) He emphasized that this is not a requirement of the Division of Fire Safety, but a recommendation of the Advisory Counsel. He then reported that there are several changes to the Fire Safety Act which are now going through the legislature. Action on these bills is not expected before Election Day. The legislature also voted to defer the townhouse automatic Sprinkler Bill and then sent it to the Governor’s for his signature.


Removal from Review:

  • There is a list of associations that may be coming off review: Executive Committeeman Mazzarella said he had two; Perth Amboy and Carteret. A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Mazzarella and seconded by Executive Committeeman Kelly to them from review.
  • Executive Committeeman Mazzarella said New Brunswick has been historically problematic. They told him that they had six Relief Applications when they had eight. Since the association is under review, Committeeman Mazzarella was supposed to go over them himself, but they were acted upon and paid without his approval. They also paid some applicants more than the need warranted. Executive Committeeman Mazzarella made a motion, seconded by Executive Committeeman Handlin, to place New Brunswick Out of Accord. On a Roll Call Vote PASSED 21-0.

3) The Woodbridge Firemen’s Relief Association applied to form a new company; Company #2. Executive Committeeman Kelly made a motion, seconded by Executive Committeeman Florio to approve the new company. PASSED.


1) Executive Committeeman Otterbein commented on the Finance and Future Planning Committee. He reiterated that there will be no change of where we are as far as the

suspension of applications, receipt of applications for spouses and assisted living. There is a lot of misinformation out in the field.

The only things suspended are assisted living and spousal applications. Executive 2) Committeewoman Badger inquired about the motion that was tabled at the last meeting regarding people getting reimbursed for gas and mileage, and if this conflicted with laws and regulations. Counsel Cavallo and President Ordway apologized for not having an answer at this meeting. Executive Committeeman 3) Reeves informed all that long time former Home Manager Bob Sanders passed away about 10 days ago. He will be sorely missed.


1) The Advisory Committee reported that member 369-02-229 of United Woodbridge Township did not appear for a hearing where charges were filed against him for Moral Turpitude. A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Kelly, seconded by Executive Committeeman Walker, to remove member 369-02-229. On a Roll Call Vote, PASSED 21-0.

2) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Reeves, seconded by Executive Committeeman Otterbein, that all Relief Applications (Local, Special, Supplemental and Health Care) must be the current revised forms found on the New Jersey State Firemen’s Association website. They must be downloaded by everyone needing any of these forms. PASSED 21-0.

3) Executive Committeeman Mazzarella spoke regarding the Executive Committee’s Convention allowance. He stated that since it involved money, that it should be approved with a roll call vote. The discussion ensued and after some discussion, Counsel Cavallo said that there needed to be a motion and second for the discussion to continue. A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Mazzarella to continue this discussion. There was not a second. President Ordway then said he would have a report on the amounts that the Executives to review at the Executive Committee meeting prior to the Convention, and the Executives can review it and vote on it at that time.

4) Executive Committeeman Handlin mentioned that some of the speakers at last year’s convention went on too long. President Ordway was aware of the concerns and is informing the speakers that although what they are speaking on is important, they need to abbreviate it a little this year.

5) Executive Committeeman Handlin that the either the Long-Range Planning Committee or the Compendium Committee review who votes at the Convention.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no comments from the public.


1) Second Assistant Secretary Dreby thanked the officers, Executive Committee and members for their cards, texts and attendance at the visitation and service for his wife. Their support really helped him through this tough time.

2) Secretary Pelaia thanked everyone for their calls and cards during his recent hospitalization.

3) Executive Committeeman Mazzarella thanked everyone for their condolences on the passing of his sister.

4) Executive Committeeman Kelly wanted the officers to consider closing the office as a holiday on September 11, as it is a very dramatic day. There is a movement on the Federal and State level to make this a national holiday. President Ordway said that we always follow what the Feds do.

5) Executive Mazzarella thanked everyone for their support for the past eight years that he was an Executive Committeeman. He has decided not to run this year.

6) Executive Committeeman Handlin spoke for the entire Executive Committee and officers in supporting Executive Committeeman Walker in his re-election bid.

7) Vice President Hankins informed everyone that Executive Committeeman Lenarski received an award from the National Society Sons of the American Revolution.

ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Executive Committeeman Speigel, seconded by Executive Committeeman Otterbein to adjourn the meeting at 10:07am. MEETING ADJOURNED.

Respectfully Submitted

Thomas J. Pelaia



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