Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

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Wall Township, New Jersey

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8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Abridged Report Executive Committee Meeting

Abridged Report with Attachments



July 16, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President Ordway at 9:00A.M in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act. He stated that notice of this meeting was posted on the New Jersey State Firemen’s website as required pursuant to the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231, P.L. 1975).

SALUTE TO THE FLAG: Vice President Hankins led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

INVOCATION: Executive Committeeman Mellert gave the invocation.


Roll call was held. All Officers and Members of the Executive Committee were present.


The Abridged and Verbatim Minutes of the May 21, 2022, Executive Committee Meeting were approved as distributed on a motion by Executive Committeeman Roemmich seconded by Executive Committeeman Kelly. Motion Carried.




Vice President Hankins report: He reported the following:

1) The caucus schedule is in the packets. He reported that we had 128 Burial Claims come in so far so far this year. The average of the payments to members was


Secretary Pelaia’s Report: In addition to his written report, his verbal remarks are:

1) We will be voting under New Business to put the Tuckerton Relief Association inactive due to the Fire Department being put out of service by the municipality.

2) Petitions have been received for all candidates whose term is up for the Board of Managers to the Firemen’s Home. At this time there are three counties where more than one candidate filed so there will be an election at their caucus.

Due to the death of Manager Oser, a special election will be held in Hudson County. We have received two petitions so far for this election and the due date is July 18. A ballot drawing for position on the ballot will be held on July 24. Petitions were also received from every Executive Committee Member. There were no other petitions submitted for the Executive Committee. The deadline for all delegate changes is August 31. NO EXCEPTIONS

3) Convention Credentials were mailed to all local secretaries on July 1. Anyone not receiving the credentials should notify me as soon as possible.

4) We realized that some cards were not made for new Life Members. This problem has been resolved. Secretaries should check the cards received and if there is a problem, please let me know

First Assistant Secretary Martone’s Report: The Convention Seating Chart has been updated and is in your packets.

Second Assistant Secretary Report: He has been working on the Memorial Service for Friday September 16. All participants have acknowledged that they will participate. We will once again video tape the service for our website.

Treasurer Mullen’s Report: PKF our auditing firm has completed the independent audit for our Pension Fund. They are presently working on our 3rd Quarter Audit Report.

Field Examiner Report: In addition to her written report, she reports the following:

1) that there is an error in the Health Care report and a corrected copy will be forwarded to the Executives.

2) Packets on your desk contains the Relief Applications from your counties that need to be returned to the Association

3) She thanked everyone with their assistance doing Field Exams. Everything went smoothly

Counsel Cavallo reported: Nothing to report.

Assistant Counsel Morris: Nothing to Report

President’s Report: He reported the following:

1) The Office will be closed on September 5 in honor of Labor Day and September 15-16 while we are in Wildwood.

2) He reminded all that the second Quarter Quarterly Relief Report is due on July 30.

3) As of this meeting there are 3 Associations not being seated.

4) All IRS 990’s or Extension Forms were received on time. We are now following up with the 16 Associations that filed extensions

5 The year-to-date Comparison Report is not in your packet because he is awaiting the remainder of the quarterlies to come in so we would have an up-to-date Report.

6) the 2022 Convention will be 2 days, September 16-17. Registration for Friday’s Session will be 7am to 10:15am with the Memorial Service beginning at 10:00 am followed by Convention Business. Registration for Saturday’s Session will be 7am to 12 noon. Saturday will be strictly voting. Recommended times for voting are attached, although members may vote at any time between


ADVISORY/ SPECIAL / SUPPLEMNTAL COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Mellert stated that the reports are in your packet.



FINANCE COMMITTEE: Treasurer Mullen reported that The Finance Committee met on June 13. Committee found that the financial records in good order

FIREMEN’S HOME COMMITTEE: Chairman Otterbein reported that there is a report in your packet regarding the activities at the home.

HEALTH CARE ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE: Chairman Reeves reported that his written report has been distributed. He also reported that we will surpass the funds distributed compared to the same time last year.

Investment Committee: No Report.

LEGISLATIVE: First Assistant Secretary Martone stated the report has been distributed. He also noted that the Atlantic County Legislative Committeeman Bill Fiore has recently passed away.

Long Range Planning Committee: No Report

PENSION COMMITTEE: Treasurer Mullen reported the following:

  • We will be transferring $900,000 into the retirement fund this budget year .
  • The annual funding notice was distributed to all pension plan participants
  • Copies of the Retirement Plan tax return were distributed to committee members and the attorney
  • President Ordway noted that the participants received their pension statements. Due to the cost, these will not be distributed yearly, instead distributed every few years.

RESOLUTION COMMITTEE: Chairman Cavallo said they as mentioned previously we received 2 resolutions, and both were rejected by the committee. The first one which was from the Absecon Firemen’s Relief Association did not have the Executive Committee person’s signature. The second Resolution was from the South Harrison Firemen’s Association was rejected because it was received after the deadline.

Salary Committee: No Report

FIRE SAFETY COMMISSION: Executive Committeeman Naylis reported that the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 20 in Surf City at 10:00am..


  • President Ordway explained that the Tuckerton Fire Department has been put out of Service by the Tuckerton Governing Body. A motion is necessary to make them an Inactive Company. If the Fire Company is restored, we can always make them active again. A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Mellert, seconded by A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Mellert, seconded by Executive Committeeman Jubert to make the Tuckerton Firemen’s Relief Association inactive. Motion carried.
  • Executive Committeeman Figueroa brought up a situation in Pennsauken whereby they want to consolidate Fire Companies. President Ordway said that he will have Secretary Pelaia reach out to them and set up a meeting to discuss all options.


  • President Ordway spoke on the Cancer Screening program. He stated there is a bill on the Governor’s desk awaiting his signature. It appropriates $1,250 for career firefighters not in the State Health Benefits program to receive cancer screening once every three years. He stated that once the Governor signs that legislation, we already have plans to meet with certain people in the Assembly and Senate to get a bill passed for volunteers.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Otterbein, seconded by Executive Committeeman Handlin to go into Executive, Session. Motion Carried. Executive Session began at 9:25 AM.

Executive Committee Kelly made a motion to return to Regular Session, seconded by Executive Committeeman Handlin. Motion Passed. Regular Session resumed at

11:05 AM


  • Executive Committeeman Walker made a motion, seconded by Executive Committeewoman Badger that we do a Nursing Home program and set a fee of up to $12,000.00 a month and make it effective August 1, 2022. First Assistant Secretary Martone inquired if this will cover all firefighters, both Volunteer and Career. President Ordway the said it is for all members of the Association.


  • Executive Committeeman Naylis stated that he has some Departments which he represents are discussing ways that they respond to Fire Calls (Sleep overs etc). He would like us to examine his and maybe apply credit towards Qualification. President Ordway said we can investigate it.

  • Executive Committeeman Speigel then mentioned that the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation will be having a fund-raising event during the convention on Friday from 6:30-10:30 at the Seaport Pier. He asked if they could use our Logo on their literature for the event. A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Spiegel seconded by Executive Committeeman Kurdyla to allow them to use our logo. Much discussion ensued because in the past we never allowed anyone to use our logo. A hand vote was taken motion failed. A friendly amendment was then offered by Executive Committee Naylis that we allow the National Fallen Firefighters to be allowed to use verbiage in their literature that we support this endeavor. This amendment passed.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comments


1) President Ordway informed everyone that a large flag on the side of the room was purchased by the Cedar Knolls Fire Department in 2002 for the Opening of the new Convention Center and was brought there for the 1st Anniversary of 9/11. For some reason It eventually made its way back to Cedar Knolls. Cedar Knolls came across the flag and has given it to us. President Ordway asked Executive Committeeman Speigel to return it to the Convention Center. Executive Committeeman Kelly then suggested that for some reason the Convention Center cannot use it, that e take it back to the office and use it with our 9/11 Memorial in our lobby. All agreed

2) President Ordway thanked the Executive Committee and Officers for their participation and discussion at today’s meeting.

3) Second Assistant Secretary Dreby thanked President Ordway for attending his Department’s Annual Dinner and presenting him with a Resolution for his 50 years of Service to his Department.

ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Executive Committeeman Otterbein, seconded by Executive Committeeman Fazekas to adjourn. the meeting was adjourned at 11:19am.

Respectfully submitted,

Thomas J. Pelaia



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