Saturday, July 27th, 2024

1711 Route 34 South
Wall Township, New Jersey

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8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Abridged Report Executive Committee Meeting

Abridged Report with Attachments



July 17, 2021

The meeting was called to order by President Ordway at 9:00A.M in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act. He stated that notice of this meeting was posted on the New Jersey State Firemen’s website as required pursuant to the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231, P.L. 1975).

SALUTE TO THE FLAG: Vice President Hankins led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance..

INVOCATION: President Ordway asked for a moment of silence for our departed brothers especially F/F Shaffer who died in the line of duty this month. Executive Committeeman Mellert then gave the invocation.


Roll call was held. First Assistant Secretary Brian Martone announced that all members were present EXCEPT for 2nd Assistant Secretary Dreby and Executive Committeeman Fazekas who were excused.


The Abridged and Verbatim Minutes of the May 22, 2021, Executive Committee Meeting were approved as distributed on a motion by Executive Committeeman Handlin seconded by Executive Committeeman Scheuer. Motion Carried.


Secretary Pelaia read a letter from Field Examiner Kenny to President Ordway dated July 12, 2021, announcing his retirement effective January 1, 2022. A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Lane seconded by Executive Committeeman Otterbein to accept the communications. Motion Carried


Vice President Hankins report: He reported the following:

1) The Pension Committee met and approved the changes in Article 5 Section 5 of the Pension Plan which revises the beneficiaries to the plan.

2) He informed the Executives of the Caucus Work schedules

3) He will be asking for an approval under New Business to extend the Covid 19 housing reimbursement plan until the February 2022 Executive Committee Meeting

Secretary Pelaia’s Report: In addition to his written report, his verbal remarks are:

1) We will be voting under New Business to accept Barnegat Light into the Association’

All their paperwork will be in order. Also, we will be voting on a new Company for West Deptford and a name change for Washington Township (Mercer) to Robbinsville, and also approve a new Company for them.

2) Petitions have been received for candidates whose term is up for the Board of Managers to the Firemen’s Home. At this time there are two counties where more than one candidate filed so there will be an election at their caucus. Petitions were received by every Executive Committee Member. There were no other petitions submitted for the Executive Committee. The deadline for all Delegate changes is August 31. NO EXCEPTIONS

3) Convention Credentials were mailed to all local secretaries on June 17. Anyone not receiving the credentials should notify me as soon as possible.

4) In regard to Mr. Kenny’s Retirement, A notice is being sent to all Association Secretaries informing them that there will be a vacancy in the Field Examiners position effective January 1, 2022, and if any member has interest in the position, they are to send a letter of interest along with a resume to us by September 1.

First Assistant Secretary Martone’s Report: He reported that the age bill was signed by the governor. He thanked everyone who made calls, sent e-mails and the like for helping to have the Bill passed. President Ordway then mentioned that S-5210, the bill regarding the Firemen’s Home has been pulled. He also mentioned within 5 days of the governor signing the age bill we had 315 applicants entered into our system and their secretaries were notified of their Line Number.

Second Assistant Secretary Report: Second Assistant Secretary was excused. President Ordway reported 2nd Assistant Secretary is working on the Memorial Service. It will once again be virtual. It is expected to begin taping towards the end of August.

Treasurer Mullen’s Report: He is working with the auditors on the third quarter report and the books for 2020-2021 year were closed on June 30.

Field Examiner Report: In addition to his written report, he reports the following:

1) that there is an error in the Health Care report and a corrected copy will be forwarded to the Executives.

2) Effective with the reporting of the 990 forms to the IRS, as of January 1, 2022, all 990’s must be filed electronically. The IRS will not accept paper copies. 11 Associations have filed extensions for the 2020 submissions. Field Examiner Kenny will follow up with these Associations.

3) 2020 Field exams will begin on September 15 in Cape May County. The schedule is currently be set up. The remainder of the 2020 Exams will take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings following the Convention. More information will follow.

Counsel Cavallo reported: Nothing to report.

Assistant Counsel Morris: Just mentioned that he appreciates everyone’s service during this pandemic and condolences to everyone who lost someone who passed away. He especially wanted to recognize Former President Emeritus Greenwald for all of his efforts in our Association and to the Lumberton Fire Department and community. Asst. Counsel Morris is a resident of Lumberton.

President’s Report: He reported the following:

1) The Office will be closed on September 6 in honor of Labor Day and September 16-17 while we are in Wildwood.

2) He reminded all that the second Quarter Quarterly Relief Report is due on July 30.

3) As of this meeting there are 3 Associations not being seated.

4) All IRS 990’s or Extension Forms were received on time. We are now following up with the 11 Associations that filed extensions

5) If any Executive receives a change of address, phone number or e-mail address for one of their Association’s officers, he asked that they submit them to Secretary Pelaia so that he can update the State’s files.

6) If an officer of an Association has trouble signing on to the website, no matter how minor it may seem, please have them call the office for assistance.

7) He reported that many associations are using email to send in Bank Statements. The email address is . Also, Local reports should be e-mailed to

8) He has been reporting Year to Date comparisons at each meeting. They will be attached to these minutes.

9) The president asked for volunteers to sit on the Search / interview Committee for the Field Examiner. He also stated that the Notice of the position will be mailed out to all secretaries and will be on the website and in the Caucus Packets. He will also be asking to appoint the Committees recommendation as Assistant Field Examiner (or an Administrative Assistant) to start immediately to make the transition smooth. At the November Meeting the Executive will have to vote on appointing the person as Field Examiner effective 1/1/2022.

10) The Caucuses will be walk through election caucuses to elect the Executive Committeeman and in 5 counties a Home Manager. Literature will be assembled and distributed at the Caucuses like last year. There will be no payment for attending the Caucus, but Delegates who do not attend will be penalized $100.00 as in past years.

10) The Convention will also be a walk-through convention for voting for the State Officers and 4 ballot questions. Attendees will enter from the Boardwalk to the voting site, they will register, fill out their ballots, vote, and receive a packet and badge while exiting the room. A diagram showing the procedure is attached. Associations that want to change Delegates or Alternates must do so by August 31, 2021. There will be no exceptions. Finally, the Trolley Company is out of service. Executive Committeeman Speigel mentioned that the 5-mile Beach Association is investigating getting a jitney service.

There was no Executive Session


ADVISORY/ SPECIAL / SUPPLEMNTAL COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Mellert stated that the reports are in your packet.



FINANCE COMMITTEE: Treasurer Mullen reported that The Finance Committee will be meeting on Tuesday to complete their review of the 3rd and 4th quarters. Also the President appointed John Delesandro III from Toms River to replace the vacancy due to the death of James Greschak.

FIREMEN’S HOME COMMITTEE: Chairman Otterbein reported that there is a report in your packet but there is one correction. On line 3, Legislator should read Legislature. He also mentioned that the Memory Care wing is completed and the only hold up is the Final Inspection by the Department of Health.

HEALTH CARE ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE: Chairman Reeves reported that his written report has been distributed. He also reported that we have surpassed the funds distributed compared to the same time last year. Year to date we have received Applications from 45 members and 39 spouses for a total of 84.

Investment Committee: Chairman Handlin reported that he has been working with Treasurer Mullen and will be meeting with the investment companies soon and will hopefully meet with full committee shortly.

LEGISLATIVE: First Assistant Secretary Martone stated the report has been distributed. He sends his committee weekly update which he also is sending to the Executive Committee. Executive Committee Naylis mentioned that the museum bill, which creates the museum as a non-Profit standalone committee has passed the Senate Committee and has been sent to the full Senate. Chairman Martone said that his committee endorsed it and he will keep everyone up to date on it.

Long Range Planning Committee: No Report

PENSION COMMITTEE: Vice President Hankins reported that the committee met this morning and appointed Treasurer Mullen as the Plan Administrator. The committee will put an amendment to the plan which is in your packets to be voted on under New Business.

SALARY COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Phillips reported that if Administrative Assistant to the field Examiner is approved, that his committee will meet to propose the salary for the position.

FIRE SAFETY COMMISSION – Executive Committeeman Naylis reported that in May an MOU was signed with Rutgers with regard to a Crisis Hot line. An MOU was also signed with New Jersey City University for Firefighters in the Fire Science Program to receive 15 credits towards a Bachelor of Science Degree. The Junior Firefighter Regulations have been drafted it is making its way up the line to become a Regulation. President Ordway then asked Vice President for report on the Recruitment and Retention Task Force. VP Hankins said they are waiting for the Speaker of the Assembly to make his appointments.

RESOLUTION COMMITTEE: Chairman Cavallo said they received 22 similar resolutions. The committee decided to have the first resolution received to be the one that was to be placed on the ballot. The resolution is in the packets. A copy of the Resolution will be on the sample that is attached to these minutes. Executive Committeeman Scheuer asked if he can get an explanation of the Resolution since the Chairman of the Board of Managers statement that the Resolution “is not worth the paper that it is written on”. President Ordway responded that the Resolution was submitted, it was sent to the committee, and they approved it to be placed on the ballot. The President stated that the wording is accurate. He also reminded everyone that no matter if it passes or fails, nothing will happen until it goes through the Legislature and signed by the Governor. Executive Committeeman Naylis asked if the Resolution Committee is going to make a recommendation. Counsel Cavallo stated that the committee stopped making recommendations several years ago.


1) Barnegat Light – Secretary Pelaia informed all that all the paperwork has been received and is in order. If approved they will be incorporated and will be Association 539. A motion was made by Executive Committeewoman Hollingsworth, Seconded by Executive Committeeman Lenarski. Roll call Vote: Passed 20-0

2) Washington Township (Mercer County) – Secretary Pelaia informed all that all the paperwork has been received and is in order. If approved they will become Robbinsville Fire Company #2. Roll call Vote: Passed 20-0

3) a)West Deptford - Secretary Pelaia informed all that all the paperwork has been received and is in order for West Deptford Fire Department Company #5. He also said that all the non-qualified members in the other Companies will be transferring to this company and then the other Companies will become inactive.

Roll call Vote: Passed 20-0

  1. b) President Ordway then gave an update of other Associations that may be forming new Companies:

Kingston – (Middlesex/Somerset) - Executive Committeeman Mazzarella is following up.

Franklin Township (Somerset) - Executive Committeeman Kurdyla is following up.

Maplewood/South Orange - (Essex) Executive Committeeman Otterbein is Following up on a possible merger.

Estell Manor – (Atlantic) – Executive Committeewoman Badger is trying to contact them. We are still awaiting paperwork.

Mizpah – (Atlantic) - Executive Committeewoman Badger reports they are Out of Service

Maple Shade (Burlington) Company was closed by the Municipality and Executive Committeeman Fazekas is investigating.


1) The Budget Document distributed at the last meeting and approved. There may have to be a vote on a budget amendment in the near future. Treasurer Mullen has reviewed last year’s budget and the actual expenditures from the previous budget will be distributed to the Executive Committee soon.

2) Caucuses will begin in a week and a half. We have had many meetings in the office regarding the caucuses and hopefully all will go well.

3) President Ordway asked all of the Executives to begin thinking about any increases to programs that they may want to propose for the future, especially Relief, Health Care and Burial Benefit. He reminded everyone that an increase in the benefits may require a change in the percentages of the funds that are issued to the local Associations. Executive Committeeman Kurdyla, inquired if there is a way to get projections from the Insurance Companies regarding future funds coming in. President Ordway responded that we do not directly work with Insurance Companies. We work with Banking and Insurance. Upon Executive Committeeman Kurdyla’ s request President Ordway said he will check with Banking and Insurance to see if they have any projections. There was further discussion

4) Executive Committeeman asked if here was any progress on Princeton’s inquiry on the funds that they receive. President Ordway said that Banking and Insurance has not gotten back to him yet.


1) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Mellert, seconded by Executive Committeeman Mazzarella to accept the amendments to Article 5 Section 5 Subsection (a) that the Pension Committeeman Recommends. On a Roll Call vote: Passed 20-0.

2) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Handlin, seconded by Executive Committeeman Lane to accept the resignation of Field Examiner James Kenny with regret effective January 1, 2022. On a Roll Call vote: Passed 19-1.

3) A motion was made by Executive Committeeman Lenarski, seconded by Executive Committeeman Kurdyla to approve the name change from Washington Township Relief Association (Mercer County) to Robbinsville Relief Association. Passed 20-0

4) A motion by Executive Committeeman Naylis, seconded by Executive Committeeman Kelly to extend the Covid 19 Housing Reimbursement program to the February Executive Committee Meeting. On a Roll Call vote: Passed 20-0.

5) A motion by Executive Committeeman Scheuer seconded by Executive Committeeman Reeves that the President appoint a temporary Administrative Assistant to the Field Examiner as recommended by the Field Examiner Search Committee to assist in a smooth transition to Field Examiner. On a Roll Call vote: Passed 20-0.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Past President Gunson thanked Field Examiner Kenny for his dedication over the past 10 years. There was no further comment.


1) President Ordway reminded everyone that there will be a Memorial Remembrance for former treasurer Barry Osborn at the Herbertsville Fire Company at 1pm today.

2) President Ordway said he was happy to see everyone at the meeting who previously had some health problems.

3) The State Exempt Association will be having their Annual Elections here at the State Office on August 21, 2021.

4) President Ordway thanked Field Examiner Kenney for his dedication for the past 10 years. Through those years there were many changes to and additional programs which included Special/Supplemental Relief, Financial Standing Reports, Health Care Applications, 990’s. and much more. In addition to his remarks, many Executives thanked Mr. Kenny for a job well done.

3) Executive Committeeman Spiegel asked if the Application for Membership has been changed to reflect the new age bill. President Ordway responded yes, and we will still accept all applications with a revision date of 5/19 or later.

ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Executive Committeeman Florio, seconded by Executive Committeeman Otterbein the meeting was adjourned at 10:35am.

Respectfully submitted,

Thomas J. Pelaia



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