Abridged Report with Attachments
SEPTEMBER 12, 2020
The meeting was called to order by President Ordway at 9:00A.M in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act. He stated that notice of this meeting was posted on the New Jersey State Firemen’s website as required pursuant to the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act (Chapter 231, P.L. 1975).
Vice President Hankins led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
A Moment of Silence was observed for all that gave their lives or are still recovering from the Terrorist Attack on 9/11/2001 which was 19 years ago yesterday. Also remembered was President Emeritus Greenwald who is ill and also Vice President Hankins, Executive Committeemen Scheuer and Mazzarella for their continued recovery. Finally, we remembered those members of Task Force 1 who were deployed to Texas and Louisiana and to the members of the Forest Fire Service who were deployed to California and Oregon.
Roll call was held. First Assistant Secretary Brian Martone announced that all members were present except for President Emeritus Greenwald who is excused. Also joining the call was Past President Frank Gunson, Past Executive Committeeman Wayne Kepler, and Past Secretary Sanford Weinberg, and 6 others in attendance.
Verbatim Minutes of the May 16, 2020 meeting, the May 30, 2020 Special Meeting, and the Abridged and Verbatim Minutes July 18, 2020 Executive Committee Meeting were approved as distributed on a motion by Executive Committeeman Handlin seconded by Executive Committeeman Mellert. Motion Carried.
Secretary Pelaia said there was no current Communications other than those in your packet. A motion was made to accept the correspondence submitted, by Executive Committeeman Fazekas, seconded by Executive Committeeman Lane. Motion carried:
Vice President Hankins report:
1) He thanked everyone who sent cards and prayers to him during his recent illness.
2) He asked that those members in Senator Linda Greenstein’s district to send her a letter requesting that she hold a committee meeting on the age bill. She is not posting any bills. Also, those members in Assemblyman Taliaferro should do the same. A list of the towns who are represented is attached to these minutes.
Secretary’s Report: In addition to his written report he informed everyone that the credit for 2 convention session for the caucus attendees will be issued this coming week and all secretaries will receive an updated attendance report.
First Assistant Secretary Report: He informed everyone that the caucus workers checks were mailed out this past Thursday.
Second Assistant Secretary Report: The Virtual Memorial service for this year is in the final stages of completion and will be posted on the website and all local secretaries will be notified. He thanked everyone involved for their hard work. President Ordway reminded everyone that the names on the Memorial Roll are those members whose claims were paid between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020, and not the date of death. Anyone who notices a name missing should contact the office and we will follow up.
Second Assistant Secretary Dreby also wanted to thank Frank from PintheQ for putting the actual video together at no charge to the association. A letter of thanks will be sent to him.
Treasurer Report: The Report has been distributed and he has no verbal report.
Field Examiner Report: His report is in your packet. He reminded everyone that he is in the process of reviewing the Bank Statements submitted by the Local Associations. Any Local having any questions should be referred to Field Examiner Kenny.
Counsel Cavallo reported: No Report
Assistant Counsel Morris: No Report
President’s Report: He has no written report. He reported the following:
1) He congratulated all the Officers and Executive Committee men and women on their re-election this year. He also congratulated the Managers who were reelected and the new managers from Bergen and Monmouth counties.
2) The State Office will be closed on Monday October 12, for Columbus Day, Tuesday November 3, for Election Day and Wednesday November 11, for Veterans Day.
3) Reports due: IRS 990: 1 due with an extension. 3rd Quarter Relief Reports due: October 30. Caucus/Convention Vouchers (Pink and Blues) due: November 1.
4) Should any Executive Committee Members receive contact updates for Officers in their County, they should forward them to Secretary Pelaia. especially address, telephone numbers and E-Mail addresses.
5) The website continues too be updated frequently. He mentioned that many Local Associations are using the localreports@njsfa.com and bankstatements@njsfa.com to submit their paperwork.
6) He mentioned that in your packets are the year to date comparisons of Special Relief and Health Care. He mentioned that Healthcare has paid out over $800,000 or a 222% increase over last year. He mentioned that that is FANTASTIC. We are fulfilling our mission to help Firefighters
7) President Ordway then had the Officers and Executive Committee comment on the Caucuses. President Ordway said he felt everything went well. We worked hard on preparing for them and everything fell into place. He also thanked Vice President Hankins for his work prior to the caucuses, First Assistant Secretary Martone and Second Assistant Secretary Dreby for assisting at the extra caucuses that they were assigned to, to Jim Kenny for assisting in Middlesex County , and Secretary Pelaia for picking up Vice President Hankins’ duties at the caucuses during his illness. President Ordway then polled the Executive Committee for their comments, and all were appreciative and thanked everyone for their assistance.
ADVISORY/ SPECIAL / SUPPLEMNTAL COMMITTEE: Executive Committeeman Mellert stated that the reports are in your packet.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: The 2019-2020 Annual Finance Report and the first Quarter Finance Committee report are in your packets and will be attached to these minutes.
FIREMEN’S HOME COMMITTEE: Chairman Otterbein reported that he sent an e-mail to the Superintendent looking for information regarding the Memory Care Unit. He is awaiting a response.
HEALTH CARE ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE: Written report has been distributed. Chairman Reeves stated that the program is starting to grow as more members are taking advantage of it. There is also an error in one of the figures in his report and the report will be amended.
LEGISLATIVE: First Assistant Secretary Martone stated the report has been distributed. He also said that he sent out an E-Mail to the Legislative Committee asking them if they are in a Legislative District where their Assembly and Senate members are on the Law and Public Safety Committees, to send them a letter urging them to post the Age Bill in their committee so that it can be moved forward. He also urged Association members in their county to do the same. President Ordway also mentioned that this year’s Legislative Meeting was done via Zoom and by using this program there can possibly be several Legislative Committee meetings per year.
Long Range Planning Committee: No Report.
FIRE SAFETY COMMISSION – Executive Committeeman Naylis said there is a meeting scheduled for the week of September 14.
1)Executive Committeeman Handlin mentioned that he has sent several e-mails to the Superintendent also regarding the items addressed in past meetings and he has had no response also.
2) Vice President Hankins has also offered the use of our ZOOM package to the Home and has received no response also.
1)Secretary Pelaia read into the record the following:
- a) The Results of the Officer Elections
- b) The results of Ballot Question #1 accepting the minutes of the 2019 Convention which is printed in the Red Book.
- c) The results of Ballot Question #2 that the Secretary cast one (1) vote for the Executive Committee Members and Board of Manager Members elected at the individual caucuses. Secretary Pelaia read the results and cast one vote for the successful candidates.
2)Executive Committeeman Spiegel asked if forms such as the Pink and Blue Vouchers, be made available on-line. President Ordway responded saying that we are working on and hope to have them available soon. Executive Committee Scheuer then asked if the Health Care Forms are going to be revised to include the Spouses beginning in January. This is also in progress.
President Ordway opened the meeting to public comment and asked First Assistant Secretary Martone to read the following: The New Jersey State Firemen’s Association welcomes comments from the members of the audience. He further stated the secretary will note all comments and that because of this he asked anyone speaking to state their name and address before speaking and to keep their comments to a 3- minute time limit. Concerns stated or actions requested by the public will be taken under advisement by the Executive Committee for investigation, discussion and possible action or disposition later.
1) A member asked 5 questions directed to the Treasurer. Due to an audio problem with the Treasurer’s Computer, the question will be forwarded in writing to the Treasurer and his responses will be attached to the minutes. (see last page of attachments).
2) A member inquired if a sample letter supporting the age increase can be forwarded to all Associations, so that their members can use it to contact their legislators. President Ordway responded that it will be done.
1) President Ordway said depending on the current pandemic situation, if possible, we should have the November Meeting in person due to the normal heavy agenda we have at the November meetings.
2) Executive Committee Mellert thanked all for the prayers and expression of sympathy on the death of his brother.
3) Executive Committeeman Kelly reminded everyone that the New Jersey State Fire Museum and Firefighters Memorial Committee will host their Annual Open House and Memorial on Sunday September 27, 2020. More information can be found on their website, www.njfiremuseum.org .
4) Executive Committeeman Kelly brought to everyone’s attention that Former Newark Deputy Chief and Former Chief of the Adelphia Fire Company, Dr. Harry Carter is suffering from a substantial illness. Most of us remember him for the many columns he wrote in Fire Publications. He asked that we remember him in our prayers.
5) Executive Committeeman Handlin reminded all that there will be a Full Board Meeting of the Firemen’s Home Board of Managers on Saturday September 26 at the Forsgate Country Club. It will be outdoors under a tent.
6) Vice President Hankins encouraged everyone to take advantage of the Captain Buscio Program. He had no symptoms, went for his test, and was sent to the Hospital where he major heart surgery. The Buscio Test is open to all firefighter and their family and there is no cost for the program.
ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Executive Committeeman Florio, seconded by Executive Committeeman Naylis the meeting was adjourned at 9:45am.
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas J. Pelaia