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8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Abridged Report Executive Committee Meeting



Wildwood, N.J. Saturday, November 19, 2016

The meeting was called to order by President Frank B. Gunson, 3rd at 9:00 A.M. in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act. He stated that notice of this meeting was posted on the New Jersey State Firemen’s Association website as required pursuant to the provisions of the Open Public Meeting Act (Chapter 231, P.L.1975) and sent via mail to all Local Relief Association secretaries.

Vice President Robert Ordway led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Executive Committeeman Konrad Mellert, Warren County, gave the invocation and led everyone in a moment of silent prayer for those who have answered their last alarm followed by a prayer for our troops and veterans. He concluded by asking for guidance during this meeting.

President Gunson asked all Committee people to remain standing and be administered their oath of office by Counsel Cavallo.


Roll call was held. First Assistant Secretary Jake Genovay announced that all members were present with the exception of Mercer County Executive Committeeman Lenarski who was excused. Also in attendance was Past Executive Committeemen from Union County Thomas Miller and Hudson County Joseph Stauffer, Past Counsel Barry Parker, Past Secretary Sanford (Sandy) Weinberg and Past Second Assistant Secretary H. Lee Baker.


President Gunson opened the meeting to public comment by stating the New Jersey State Firemen’s Association welcomes comments from members of the audience. He further stated that the secretary will note all comments and that because of this he asked that anyone speaking to state their name and address before speaking and to keep their comments to a 3 minute time limit. Concerns stated or actions requested by the public will be taken under advisement by the Executive Committee for investigation, discussion and possible action or disposition at a later time and date.

Steven Raye, Wantage Township, Sussex County, said he spoke at the convention about the average age of firemen being 53 in the state and was not expecting the Executive Committee to pay for anything but was wondering if a committee could be formed to promote volunteerism. He said he had talked to Bergen County Executive Committeeman Naylis about the various programs that are currently available to assist and encourage potential members.



The Abridged minutes and the Verbatim Minutes of the September 15, 2016 Executive Committee Meeting were approved as read on a motion by William Mc Nulty, Gloucester County, seconded by Norman Figueroa, Camden County. Motion carried.


From: Joseph M. Lenarski, Mercer County Executive Committeeman.

From: Gerard J. Naylis – Letter of resignation as Second Assistant Secretary.

To: Senator Cardinale and Assemblyman Ash – thank you for introduction of A-4251.

Secretary Finnegan read the correspondence. A motion was made by John Lane, Passaic County Committeeman and seconded by Andrew Mazzarella, Middlesex County Committeeman to accept Mr. Naylis’s letter with regret. Motion carried.

LIFE MEMBER REPORT: A motion was made by Warren County Committeeman Mellert to accept the 371 Life Members from the 2016 Convention as presented. Second by Gloucester County Committeeman Mc Nulty. Motion carried.


President Gunson reported:

  • Written report distributed.
  • Stated that letters will be sent to all local secretaries notifying them of the open position of Second Assistant Secretary. Applications will be accepted till 4 P.M., January 5, 2017. The committee that will do the interviews will be Joseph Hankins, John Lane and James Reeves.
  • He thanked all who assisted getting all the associations reports in on time.
  • Compendium changes and Health Care forms will be distributed next week.
  • Included in your correspondence were letters addressed to Senator Cardinale and Assemblyman Ash. He asked that their bill be changed from KOA at the scene to within a 24 hour period as we have had five. They agreed to change their proposed legislation.
  • He was informed by Oscar Dutch from the Firemen’s Home that they will be doing a feasibility study for an Alzheimer’s /dementia unit.
  • Officers along with Judges of Election met with Election Graphics and the manufacturer to review the problems encountered at the convention. Please see attached report.

Vice President Ordway reported:

  • Written report distributed.
  • Thanked all those committeemen who supported him.


Vice President Ordway’s comments (continued):

  • He has received 4 dates for Caucuses; please get them in ASAP with GPS workable addresses. He also reminded them to get their County Legislative Committeeman’s name in if you haven’t done so.
  • He asked the committeemen to review their selections for convention committees to insure that the appointees are able to fulfill their obligations.

Secretary’s report: Written report distributed nothing verbal.

Treasurer Osborn reported: Distributed nothing verbal.

Field Examiner Kenny reported: Written report distributed.Verbal:

  • He would like to meet with the Quarterly Report Committee after the meeting to select a date for their first meeting.
  • Field exams went well; there were a few minor problems.
  • One association did not show and they have until December 7th to have their records reviewed or they will be placed Out of Accord. Letters were sent notifying them they had to be audited on 6/20 and 11/1 with no response.
  • Quarterly Relief Reports were 100% returned on time.
  • Down to 6 Associations that do not file on an annual basis. I ask that you reach out to these Associations and have them file the 990N and then have them notify me so I can begin the paperwork to get them over to an annual filing.

Counsel Cavallo reported: He thanked all for the cards he received during his convalescence.


ADVISORY COMMITTEE – report distributed no verbal.

BUILDING COMMITTEE – Chairman Dreby, Burlington County, said that there have been ongoing meetings; next one scheduled for 11/21. Architectural drawings were available to be viewed.

COMPENDIUM COMMITTEE – Chairman Mc Nulty, Gloucester County said that the changes to the By-Laws will be mailed to all local secretaries next week.

DELEGATE/LIFE MEMBER – Chairman Lane, Passaic County, stated a meeting will be scheduled for the beginning of the year. President Gunson reminded him that it will be needed by the February meeting to get the information out to the Secretaries.

FINANCE – Treasurer Osborn stated the report has been distributed. No verbal.


HEALTH CARE – Chairman Hankins, Ocean County, stated that final changes have been made and copies should be included in your packet.

LEGISLATIVE – First Assistant Secretary Genovay stated the report has been distributed. He mentioned that we did get notice that Senator Cardinal did present his bill and it is Senate Bill # 2799. We were not able to know if he amended his bill for our changes as it had not been presented yet.

PENSION – Treasurer Osborn reported that they met prior to the meeting to discuss normal business.

RESOLUTIONS – Counsel Cavallo said nothing to report.

SALARY – Chairman Dreby, Burlington County, stated that he will have a recommendation for the President and Vice-President’s salary after we come out of Executive Session.

SPECIAL RELIEF – Chairman Mellert, Warren County, said the report has been distributed.

SUBSIDY – Chairman Mellert, Warren County, stated no report.

WEB PAGE – Chairman Mazzarella, Middlesex County, stated that the committee will be meeting to brainstorm ideas. Anyone having suggestions please submit them to him.


UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Monmouth Committeeman, Robert Kelly, stated he had brought the topic up a couple of meetings ago about cutting back on the printing and mailing of the Red Book. He has discussed this with his associations and their recommendation is to do one red book per association and to put the content of it on the web site and if additional copies are needed that they be sent out in CD format.

President Gunson said that when this was discussed before that the Execs were asked to go back to their locals and to get back to the state office. We haven’t heard from anyone. He asked Mr. Kelly to chair the Red Book Committee.

Vice President Ordway mentioned while he hasn’t met with the Web Page Committee yet, he would like to see the Compendium and a printable PDF version of the Abridged Minutes on the web as well.

John Lane, Passaic County, thanked the officers for attending his county workshop as well as Cape May Committeeman Spiegel for putting together the Power Point program. It lasted two and a half hours.


EXECUTIVE SESSION - A motion was made by Mr. Dreby, Burlington County, to go into Executive Session at 9:28 A.M. Seconded by Mr. Kelly, Monmouth County. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Mr. Kelly, Monmouth County, to go back into Regular Session at 9:34 A.M. There were many seconds. Motion passed.

NEW BUSINESS – Passaic County Committeeman Lane wanted to know if a list could be comprised as to what may be paid for relief and what may not be to assist local associations in knowing what they can do.

President Gunson stated that former Second Assistant Secretary Naylis has been working on a list and once complete, it will be distributed. Mr. Naylis also brought up about members who join the military service and what the local relief association can do to assist their families.

Sussex County Committeeman Scheuer said prior to this year’s convention we sent out material on electioneering. He stated he received calls and comments regarding candidates being around the voting machines and that this should be considered as electioneering too and that they should not be in that area. Additional comments were made regarding the voting and handicapped parking and transportation of the handicapped.

Bergen County Committeeman Naylis brought up the topic of Recruitment and Retention. He has been compiling a list of different areas of assistance, both financial and other, that can be linked to our web site to assist all members.

A motion was made by Essex County Committeeman Pelaia to nominate Burlington County Committeeman Richard Dreby as Executive Committee Chairman. Second was made by Passaic County Executive Committeeman Lane. A motion was made by Salem County Committeeman Walker to close nominations. Second by Middlesex County Executive Committeeman Mazzarella. Motion passed. President Gunson asked all those in favor of Mr. Dreby being Chairman of the Executive Committee say “Aye”. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Burlington County Committeeman Dreby to nominate Monmouth County Committeeman Kelly as Secretary of the Executive Committee. The motion was seconded by Passaic County Executive Committeeman Lane. A motion was made by Gloucester County Committeeman Mc Nulty and seconded by Sussex County Committeeman Scheuer to close nominations. Motion carried and Committeeman Kelly was elected Secretary.

Secretary Finnegan read Resolution #1 referencing Delegate Credentials and Resolution # 2 referencing Exempt Delegate as presented. A motion was made by Sussex County Committeeman Scheuer and seconded by Cape May County Committeeman Speigel to accept the Resolutions as read. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Hunterdon County Committeeman Phillips and seconded by Ocean County Committeeman Hankins to concur that the Officers be allowed to put Frenchtown


NEW BUSINESS (continued)

FRA out of accord should they not appear in the State Office for their audit by December 7th. Motion passed on a roll call vote.

A motion was made by Union County Committeeman Florio that reports due on a Saturday be moved to the next business day. Seconded by Monmouth County Committeeman Kelly. Motion carried on a roll call vote with 19 in the affirmative and one in the negative.

President Gunson pointed out that the Executive Committee accepted Jerry Naylis’s resignation letter earlier this morning and that we will be accepting resumes from potential candidates until January 5, 2017. Interviews will be scheduled the week of January 16th and a selection will be made. A motion was made by Monmouth County Committeeman Kelly and seconded by Passaic County Committeeman Lane that approval for the Second Assistant Secretary is done via phone vote prior to the February Executive Committee meeting. Motion carried.

GOOD OF THE ORDER – Burlington County Committeeman Dreby said that in Executive Session that salary’s were discussed for the new President and Vice President. The new President’s salary would be $84,675 and the new Vice Presidents would be $65,940 effective retroactively to October 1, 2016. The motion was seconded by Warren County Committeeman Mellert. On a roll call vote, the motion passed twenty to zero.

President Gunson stated that he had been notified that Board of Manager Valese’s wife had passed away this past week. He also mentioned that his wife had received a message from Pat Wootton, Past President Heflich’s friend, and that she wanted to thank all who sent her get well cards after her surgery. It was appreciated.

President Gunson concluded by wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and a Happy New Year!

Former Hudson County Committeeman Joseph Stauffer thanked everyone that called and sent cards to his wife during her illness. She’s doing well now thank God. As for him, he’s had a great time being here as Committeeman and the good times outweighed the bad. He thanked President Emeritus Greenwald for his encouragement when he began. He congratulated new committeeman Mitchell on his election and wished him good luck. President Gunson thanked him for his time and service as Executive Committeeman, Secretary and then Committeeman again.

Warren County Committeeman Mellert thanked Vice President Ordway for contacting his associations to get their pinks and blues in on time while he was on vacation.

Hudson County Committeeman Mitchell thanked those who sent cards, letters, thoughts and prayers on the loss of his mother.



A motion was made to adjourn by Gloucester County Committeeman Mc Nulty.

President Gunson said he received a letter from Liberty Township, Warren County, stating that Warren County through their Prosecutor’s Office has established an SOP for “hot situations” such as shootings and active shootings. They want to know if they would be eligible for the death benefit in such situations. A discussion followed and it was decided that they would be covered.

Vice President Ordway stated that he needs the Legislative Committeemen from Essex, Hudson and Somerset counties.

A second to adjourn was made by Union County Committeeman Florio. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:18 A.M.

Respectfully submitted,


Secretary, NJSFA


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