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Abridged Report Executive Committee Meeting



Wildwood, N.J. Thursday, September 15, 2016

The meeting was called to order by President George H. Heflich, Sr. at 9:30 A.M. in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act. He stated that notice of this meeting was posted on the New Jersey State Firemen’s Association website as required pursuant to the provisions of the Open Public Meeting Act (Chapter 231, P.L.1975) and sent via mail to all Local Relief Association secretaries.

Vice President Frank Gunson led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Executive Committeeman Konrad Mellert, Warren County, gave the invocation and led everyone in a moment of silent prayer for those who have answered their last alarm followed by a prayer for our troops and veterans. He concluded by asking for guidance during this meeting.


Roll call was held. First Assistant Secretary Jake Genovay announced that all members were present with the exception of Hudson County Executive Committeeman Joseph Stauffer who was excused. Also in attendance was Past Executive Committeemen from Gloucester County Kenneth Wigglesworth, Monmouth County Wayne Kepler, Union County Thomas Miller, and Past Counsel Barry Parker, Past 2nd Assistant Secretary H. Lee Baker, Chairman Board of Manager Cassmiro DeLaurentis, Past President Exempt Association Joseph Pawlak, James Duffy Memorial Committee and Hudson County Committeeman Elect Daniel Mitchell.


President Heflich opened the meeting to public comment by stating the New Jersey State Firemen’s Association welcomes comments from members of the audience. He further stated that the secretary will note all comments and that because of this he asked that anyone speaking to state their name and address before speaking and to keep their comments to a 3 minute time limit. Concerns stated or actions requested by the public will be taken under advisement by the Executive Committee for investigation, discussion and possible action or disposition at a later time and date.

Being no one present that wished to be heard, Public Comment was closed.


The Abridged minutes and the Verbatim Minutes of the July 16, 2016 Executive Board Meeting were approved as read on a motion by Mr. Mc Nulty, Gloucester County, seconded by John Lane, Passaic County. Motion carried.



From: N.J.S.F.M.B.A. – President Donnelly

To: President Donnelly, N.J.S.F.M.B.A.

Secretary Finnegan read the correspondence.



President Heflich reported: Written report distributed. He stated that there were some remarks made at the Caucuses that shouldn’t have been made.

Vice President Gunson reported: Written report distributed. He thanked the Executive Committee members who worked the Caucuses and congratulated them on their reelection.

Secretary’s report: Written report distributed nothing verbal.

Treasurer Osborn reported: He stated that the CPA’s report will be presented at the second session of the Convention.

Field Examiner Kenny reported: Written report distributed.

He mentioned that when he was reviewing the quarterly relief reports to the monthly bank statements received, he came across twelve differences. After inquiring to these differences, they were explained in detail.

He stated that seventeen associations have to switch from the fiscal year to the calendar year cycle. Five have already filed, the remaining twelve must be completed within thirty days after their fiscal period ends.

He stated that Field Exams are schedule for September 20, 22, 27 and 29 and October 4th. He mentioned that he is okay for workers right now.

He is working with three associations on 990 extensions.

He concluded by stating that the Third Quarter Relief Reports ending on 9/30/16 are due into the State Office by 10/30/16.

Counsel Cavallo reported: No report.



ADVISORY COMMITTEE – report distributed no verbal.

SPECIAL RELIEF – report distributed no verbal.

LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE – report distributed no verbal.

PENSION COMMITTEE – the committee met prior to this meeting, nothing to report.

FINANCE COMMITTEE – report distributed no verbal.

COMPENDIUM COMMITTEE – Chairman Mc Nulty, Gloucester County said that there was no report. The Compendium changes are at the printers.


BUILDING COMMITTEE – Chairman Dreby, Burlington County stated that Request for Qualifications was sent out to six Architectural Firms and three solicited bids. They were turned over to the lawyers for review and Fraytak Veis Hopkins Duthie (FVHD), P.C. was selected at a meeting held on August 29th.

HEALTH CARE COMMITTEE – Chairman Hankins, Ocean County, stated that the committee will meet prior to the packet being sent out to all associations.

APPLICATIONS: Burlington County Executive Committeeman Dreby made a motion to accept Mount Laurel’s Company # 3 application for membership as all the necessary paperwork has been received. Seconded by Cape May County Executive Committeeman Spiegel. Motion carried.



NEW BUSINESS: President Heflich stated that we had elections for three Executive Committeemen and we will be electing two officers. He has been involved with the State Association for thirty years and if this is to be his last meeting, he wishes everyone well.

Vice President Gunson stated that he has been involved with the State Association for twenty-two years, nine as Vice President. He has enjoyed working with everyone and thanked everyone for their support.

Robert Kelly, Monmouth County Executive Committeeman, thanked both President Heflich and Vice President Gunson for their lifetime of dedication to the Association. Both of you have done exemplary jobs.


NEW BUSINESS (continued):

Vice President Gunson stated that if he loses, he pledged to assist in the transition for the new Vice President.

President Heflich requested a motion be made to allow the President and Vice President to attend the League of Municipalities Convention as well as the Congressional Fire Dinner.

A motion was made by Burlington County Committeeman Dreby. It was seconded by Passaic County Committeeman Lane. Motion carried on a twenty in favor, none opposed.


Salem County Committeeman Walker questioned the letter received from the F.M.B.A. regarding Resolution # 2 and proposed a meeting to discuss it. President Heflich explained why it was recommended to vote the Resolution down as it was geared for only one person. If this were to be approved, it would open up a lot of questions such as if a member was denied membership and then passed away, would they be entitled to the death benefit? The person in question had an Open Window Period to join and didn’t make the effort to join. We received over 100 Waiver Forms of people not wanting to join our Association.

Monmouth County Executive Committeeman Kelly didn’t like the proposal to judge on a case by case basis. This would totally bog down the regular meeting. He is not opposed to change, but a clear cut change not on a case by case basis.


As there was no additional business to be conducted, a motion was made by William McNulty, Gloucester County to adjourn. A second was made by John Lane, Passaic County. All in favor!

The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 A.M.

Respectfully submitted,



We request that this report and all future reports be reviewed at

Your local relief meetings and so noted in your minutes.


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